
Penguins fans, can you please tell me what qualities Ruutu will bring to my team?

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...It appears more people are upset over Ruutu's departure than anyone, including your big hero, Gary Roberts...What is so special about him...I'd like to know, now that I be watching his every game the next three years - thanks!





  1. yeah and we have crosby, malkin and staal - congrats on feeling that you have a good team. Don't put us down.

    Ruutu is excellent in fighting and he is overall a good hustler.

  2. We just loved him because he was a dirty little guy, he was really funny and good with the media, and he was killer on penalty shots. Plus his fight with Tucker was legendary. He's a great third or fourth line guy, d**n you Sens. Now instead of playing in a Pens uni in Finland next season opener, he'll be in a Sens uni. >=/ haha

  3. I am not a PENS fan... but he is the type of player that makes game changing moves! A hit, a fight! Irritance! Not to mention that he is an agitator that has worth in other departments also! Solid 4th line guy that can change the momentum of a game with some of his antics! Sometines its a goal!


    I've liked Jarkko Ruutu since his Vancouver Canucks days and was elated when he signed with the Pens... Now I'm a bit bummed that he's signed somewhere else, but that's the nature of the salary cap era NHL!

    While I like him... I really do wish he signed with a Western Conference team, if he wasn't going to sign with the Pens. Far, FAR away from the Pens and the East! LOL. God help the Pens. I bet Jarkko has a black book of things about each individual Pens player, so that he can exploit their weaknesses. Ahhh!

    Jarkko truly is a gamebreaker. He'll draw penalties with his agitating, he'll fight to defend his teammates or to bring the team some energy, he'll make monster hits, and he'll score the occasional goal. He's AWESOME at penalty shots/shootouts (seriously, he's won games for the Pens that way, and he frequently won the penalty shot drills in practices!). It's kind of hard to describe the great thing he brings to a team... I guess it's mostly energy and grit. It's valued though; it lands him a spot on Team Finland's roster whenever he's available to play.

    The major con is that he amasses penalty minutes pretty quickly, and pretty frequently. Sometimes it's deserved, as he can be a dirty player, but sometimes he gets those "2 minutes for being Jarkko Ruutu" penalties called on him, where his reputation gets him in trouble.

    As far as his personality goes... he's very funny and actually quite cerebral. (He's got to be smart to get in players' heads!) He jaws SO much on the ice, and sometimes it seems like it's "Finglish" (half English, half Finnish). He does a lot of antics that may or may not get him in trouble. Like, for example: sticking his face in Michal Rosival's face like, "I'm not touching you!" or doing the chicken dance in front of the Rangers' bench. As I said, he either gets away with those sorts of things and manages to infuriate an opposing player, or he gets an unsportsmanlike conduct. I guess it depends on what day of the week it is...

  5. All the other comments are true but they leave out one thing. The guy is unstoppable in the Shootouts. He scored in the high 80;s for the season. He is also a great presence in the locker room.

  6. When he starts laughing and having a good time........ the other team better watch out.... He only puts that evil grin on when he knows he's getting under someone's skin. And I would dearly love to know what he said to Jagr in the playoffs.

  7. People aren't upset about Mr. Gary Roberts because they all knew his time here was up. & I hope every Pens fan can say that they respect him as a player - because i sure can.

    Ruutu. He's the man. He'll push your buttons and he's a trash talker. Look him up on youtube and that's basically all you'll find. Him trash talking and making you laugh.

    But you're VERY pumped about having Ruut on your team.. ahaha

  8. ruutu has incredible hands and moves for a grinder... combine that with his "in your face" style and you get a great hockey player... watch his on ice antics, some of the stuff he does will make you laugh... i hope you sens fans give ruutu the respect he deserves (he will be sorely missed) and make sure u RUUU everytime he touches the puck it makes him play better lol

  9. He is one of those guys that you love to have on your team and hate when he plays against you. The same goes for S. Avery. He is a pest that gets in the face of everybody and cause the other team to take stupid penalties. On the other hand he takes a lot of really stupid penalties at the worst time. Thats why he barely played in the Playoffs.

    He is incredible in the shoot out. I can almost guarantee you the first break away he gets or shoot out he takes he will go to his back hand. Its an awesome move he has.

    He is not what you guys need to get over the hump the Pens still RULE THE EAST

  10. penalty minutes

  11. Im very upset, just search him on Youtube and you will see what he brings.

  12. He has a cool name that rhymes with poo-poo!!!

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