
Penguins or red wings...better offense?

by Guest59909  |  earlier

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from lines 1-4...the pens have the better offense out of the two teams. the pens third and fourth lines have been shutdown lines for them all playoffs. both are very solid on both sides of the game. then there's line 1(crosby's line) then basically line 1A(malkin's line). for those who disagree...I would like to know your reasons?




  1. I also do not think the pens are better because yes, thepens have skill, but red wings have skill all around with guys like Holmstrom, Zetterberg,Datsyuk, Draper, Drake, Franzen, Filpula and tons of other guys that might outmatch them.Detroit blows them away in the defense category.(hands down) But I do want to see a penguins stanley cup victorybecause ive been rootin for them since the second round

  2. Bottom line is overall if you look at pure skill of the forwards in this series, Pittsburgh wins.  I do believe Datsyuk and Zetterberg are the best two in the game, but after them Pittsburgh's top 6 are probably better right now than anyone else on the Wings, except Franzen if he comes back.

    BUT.... The Wings DO NOT get their offense purely from the play of the forwards.  It is the ability of the defenseman on this team which drives the offense.  For this reason alone is Detroit's offense BETTER than Pittsburgh's.  Sure they have Gonchar, who in my mind is a PP specialist along with the rest of the Pittsburgh team.  Gonchar is definitely in Lidstrom, Rafalski, and Kronwall's class offensively, but is nowhere near as defensively capable as Lidstrom.  He may be able to shut down the weak Eastern Conference, but the West is another beast to control.

    In order for the Pittsburgh forwards to be successful they will need to have the puck... a daunting task against the Wings.  Their faceoff dominance only magnifies this daunting task.

    Let's see what happens when Crosby gets destroyed by Drake or Kronwall.  This is the type of play that Pittsburgh hasn't had to play against.  He won't even know what hit him.

    Seriously Ottawa??? Rangers?? Philly???,  None of these teams would have even made the playoffs if they played in the West.  Pittsburgh would have been 4th or 5th at best in the West.

  3. The key word is lines. Which team has the more highly skilled players. I'd have to give the nod to Pittsburgh, but the question is about lines. Detroit doesn't make a line rush per se but comes at you in a wave with each member doing his part. Regardless of the individual skill the mass skill will over power.

    Pittsburgh may well dominate with pure talent but will likely cave under the relentless pressure of a Detroit onslaught.

  4. They are 2 of the most prolific offenses in the NHL. I think that Pittsburgh has more game-breakers with Crosby,Malkin,and Hossa to Zetterberg,Datsyuk. I give the edge to the Pens but on defense the Wings.

  5. i think the red wings suck, and the penguins are going to shut them down in 4 games

  6. Detroit can roll four lines........

    Samuelson was put on the second line and Hudler brought to the first line last night.......and it worked.

    Like Lidstrom said.....he has veterans like Maltby, Draper, Chelios, and Drake that can help captain a team Pavel.....Henrik (who is tied with Crosby for goals) .......we have Kronwall and Stuart to help defensively...........Oh and if Franzen comes back.......Helms, he is new, but he is impressive....I could go on and on and I know there are names like Fillupla that you may recognize.......

    Deep, skilled.....seasoned........and then there is the will be a good series...but the East has never skated a club like Detroit..........I see Detroit may take seven games .....but Detroit will win.

  7. The goalie is the reason the OZ will keep em' from scoring, he is just to good!!

  8. red wings.

  9. 1st line? Wings

    2nd? Wings

    3rd? Wings

    4th? Wings

  10. Well, the stats of this year show DET having better offense and defense.

    In fact, Dallas let up less goals than Pits and scored only 5 goals less than Pittsburgh...

    But those are just numbers.

    Wings in 7.

  11. My OPINIION -

    1) The Wings scored more goals than the Penguins this year;

    2) The Wings gave up fewer goals than the Penguins this year;

    3) The Wings played in a much tougher conference;

    4) Dallas would have demolished Philadelphia;


  12. detroit is cooked, don't say the defense is way better, b/c pittsburgh would not have gone 12-2 without playing great defense.

    besides, i've seen plenty of holes in the detroit defense

    osgood is too old to match up with fleury.  if this is going to be a a golatending series, fleury will outlast osgood, and if they end up having to go with hasek, he will just fail

    it's not going to be a defensive series

    if they are high scoring affairs, which they won't be, the goaltending is too good, the pens will win, malkin and hossa, and malone and staal and sykora have all scored more goals than sidney crosby.

    i predict crosby will take control of this series and at least double his goal total for the playoffs, lead the pens to victory in six and take home the conn smythe trophy.

  13. dude redwings obviously are the better team all around if you watched the game last night osgood had some amazing saves it was rediculous. pavel and zetterberg are huge scorers who can easily keep up with crosby. and of course their defense is amazing so ya i say redwings win this one in 5!!!

  14. You all are acting like the Pens players aren't good or that Fluery hasn't made amazing saves as well. Give me a break. Who cares who scored more goals or gave up less goals, it's what happens over the next series of games that MATTERS most. The Pens defense is awesome. So the Wings might have good defense too, oh well. These two teams have made it to the finals for SOME REASON. Oh that's right, because they are talented and great players. Don't bash a team just because they aren't your favorites. We have two good solid teams going into the finals. It will be a show!!

  15. Hey Rich... your opinion sucks.

    You said

    1) The Wings scored more goals than the Penguins this year;

    ok, so did the Flyers... beat kicked their ARS 4-1

    2) The Wings gave up fewer goals than the Pens this year;

    hmm, you didn't PLAY the Pens this year.

    3) The Wings played in a much tougher conference;

    Are you joking? Your DIVISION sucks...did anyone else from your DIVISION even make the playoffs?

    4) Dallas would have demolished Philadelphia

    Your lucky... you got a Dallas team that was tired and bruised from the Sharks... RW didnt play ANYONE

  16. Niki...good point..who cares how many goals were given up or scored.  It's not like goals determine who wins or looses, It's the one who has better looking fans...advantage Wings

    Rich...nothing speaks louder than stats...good post.

    BTW these two teams played Sep. 21st & 22nd and the Wings won them both.....but those games don't matter because it was preseason...right?  Just like the goals for and aginst don't matter.

  17. flip a coin

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