
Penile adhesion, at the sulcus or where the gland meets the forskin

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my f******n is starting to adhere to my gland. or sulcus? i for-skin the doc about this before. they got it unadhered, but it was like a puffy dough-nut for a couple of weeks. i don't think i wanna do that again. so any suggestions to stop it from adhering? or a less painful way of getting rid of adhesions.?




  1. could just try to use vaseline or something and/or just try to seperate it as many times as you can in a day to make sure they don't heal together, and don't let anyone recommend circumcision, cut men can get the adhesions  as well

  2. My nephew is an Urologist and he says that you need to go back to your doctor and fix this problem. You can use the s***n as a lube since it has skin loosening properties and stretch it. It takes about five months to be comfortable with it but it works.

    The proper way to care for this is to go to a urologist.  The problem can be cured by a minor operation that the doctor can do in the office called lysis of adhesions.   It involves putting a small amount of local anesthesia into the adhesion proper (not the p***s).  After getting under the bridge of skin with a hemostat, sutures are securely tied on both sides of the skin bridge.  It is then severed between the sutures.  This is necessary because there is a blood supply to the skin that has to be secured before division is accomplished.  As an alternative, sometimes the adhesion is severed by cautery.  Steroid creams do not work on this.

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