
Penirth's 1991 Grand Final?

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I'm looking forward to buying the 1991 Grand Final match Penirth Panthers vs. Caberra.

1. How good is the match?

2. How good is Brad Fittler's performance in the match?

3. Is Ricky Stuart, Laurie Daley and Brad Clyde in the Canberra side playing in the match?




  1. it was an awesome match and frankly a nail bitter buy it and enjoy the performance,...

  2. The match was one of the best and is most memorable for Royce Simmons' efforts. Can't really recall Fitler's involvement but know that Stuart, Daley and Clyde were all still playing for Canberra at the time so assume they played in the grand final. I remember the game as being a genuine 50/50 contest  and could have been won by either side which makes it more interesting. It was a repeat of the 1990 grand final only of course the result was reversed.


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