
p***s Shape and angle?

by Guest34404  |  earlier

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I am 16.

About a 7.6 in. hard p***s.

and it points in like an upward 45 degree angle between my stomach and if it were straight.

Is this normal?




  1. yes. its perfectly normal.

    e-mail me if you have more questions.


  2. yeah thats pretty much normal

  3. yes its normal, whats more normal is playing with another guys **** hahaha

  4. yes its normal

  5. very few guys have straight penises so yea its normal and the average on an adult male is 5-6 inches when hard so your lucky

  6. yea dude mines 8.5 and stright just like urs

  7. Normal...typical..

  8. The p***s comes in lots of different lengths

    and some are straight as an arrow while others

    curve up or down, left or right.

    As for the 7.6" you are doing good, I'm 42

    & mine is only 5" when hard.

    Enjoy learning about & exploring your body.

    Take care.

  9. Yes it is. Congrats on the big p***s too

  10. On the lucky side of normal.

  11. very normal

    my bf's p***s does that also

  12. yes. it's very normal.

  13. That's some size dude for your age.

    And about the shape:totally normal

    Most guys have a curve.


  14. im 17

    about a 7.4 hard p***s

    and mine slightly curves to the left so i guess thats a bit more normal than mine :D

    haha also funny im a t.ray

  15. yup
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