well i guess it all started about 6 months ago when my hygiene was really bad and masterbated daily when i started to notice a red rash the skin was peeling of when it was dry and when it was wet it puffed up like a band aid like it wanted to much moisture on the left side towards the back of my p***s reluctantly i went to the doc and he told me that it was just a bit of inflammation and gave me some steroid cream within days the rash was gone but during the time i was using the cream i noticed my p***s was getting very stiff as in the muscle was growing if that makes sence i thought it was just the steroid cream because when i stoped using it went back to normal but the spot never really did the skin there is sort of rubbery to the touch,and now lately i have noticed that when i m********e the day after i get 1-5 little red spots about the size of your smallest finger nail they go in a couple of days after not masturbating,oh yeah and my hygiene is much better now,my questions are why is the skin on the side so tough and what are the little red rash dots,after you finish reading this and understand it thanks