
p***s with Tooth........?

by  |  earlier

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I would like to ask perhaps a dumb question. I notice that my p***s head has "tooth" intact to it. It is formed in 2 sets with 3 tooth each at the bottom of the p***s head. It is just above the "Y" opening area of the p***s.

It look like it's naturally formed or something.

I noticed them quite some years ago. I think it has lesser "tooth" when I was a teenager. I am now 30 years old.

I was wondering is this normal?? And if it's normal, what is its function?




  1. I'm assuming that something has been lost in translation.  

    Maybe you could word this a little differently.

  2. hey what type of teeth you are talking about i never heard this before ... interesting to know that  .. good luck

  3. thats flippin discusting. go see a doctor.

  4. wow homes, maybe you got a ******* from the toothfairy

  5. Um a p***s doe snot have teeth but I think I know what you are talking about. There's a condition refereed to as pearly penile papules. These are tiny little spines that go around the head of the p***s and they are situated in rows. They appear in predominantly uncircumcised men. They are sometimes mistaken for general warts but are not harmful at all. It's a natural skin variance not a disease or STD. Search it in Wikipedia and see if the pictures look like yours. But to be honest no self diagnosis is as good as seeing a doctor. I suggest paying a visit to your urologist.

  6. You should be asking your Doctor this question.

    And I'm not even sure of what you are asking ??????

  7. wow that's wired

    go see a doctor

    i have not heard of that

  8. Hmm maybe you should check with your dentist.

  9. You have a great future ahead of you in a Circus freak show!lol.

  10. my guess is it some circumcision damage

  11. p***s aren't supposed to have teeth?

  12. :s

  13. Eat lots of sweets and they will fall out :L:L:L:L Bahahahahahahaha lol

  14. You sure you spelt that right? Tooth/Teeth on a p***s???

    That's not normal at all and should be checked out immediately by your doctor.

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