
PennFoster high school courses?? Anyone else?

by Guest59565  |  earlier

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i am finishing up the 10 grade and i am taking my high school thru pennfoster....they said it is hight school accredited...but i am having my doubts about it...anyone else take the course and get ur a real diploma? or switched back to a regular school and they except it??? also, i am wanting to go into the air force, do you think they will accept a diploma thru pennfoster??




  1. The military accepts homeschool diplomas, even ones that aren't accredited.  Honestly, high school accreditation is really only necessary for NCAA scholarships, as well as a few colleges.  Other than that, accreditation doesn't really matter.

    As far as a public or private school accepting your credits, that's up to them.  Each school is state- and district-governed and can make its own decisions on transferring homeschool credits.  Some will accept them, some will test you for proficiency and placement, and some will just flat-out say no.  The only way to find out for sure is to call them and ask.

    As far as the USAF - speak with your recruiter and ask them what you'll need.  You may need to provide a bit of extra paperwork, but as long as you're eligible (no drug use, pass the physical, no criminal record, etc.) you should be fine.

    Good luck, and thank you for wanting to serve!  Military personnel don't get thanked nearly often enough, but please know that there are many of us out there that truly appreciate what they do.

  2. Accreditation doesn't actually mean anything. That is, a college isn't going to look at a diploma and go, "Your diploma isn't accredited. We can't accept you." Neither will the Air Force.

    Penn Foster is widely recognized. The Air Force should have no problem with it. If you are that worried about it, contact them.

    As for going back to school... Somebody should have warned you ahead of time. Lots of high schools in the US will not recognize ANY credits awarded other than from a public school--and even at that, if you moved from one state to another, they might not recognize certain credits. Seriously--you could go to a top notch private school for one year of high school, switch back to public school and they could have you do it all over. Has nothing to do with Penn Foster or whatever distance learning program you use; has to do with school or district policy.

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