
Penny Junor the Royal biographer referring to?

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Camilla The duchess of Cornwall. I think she is secure in the public affection now, what do the public think do they agree with Penny Junor.




  1. The whole lot of them the Royal press entourage live in a fantasy world that you or I could not make up

  2. penny junor thinks she is royalty

  3. She's famous for brown nosing Prince Charles.

    Camilla is still despised by most people

  4. How I wish all this debating about the Royal Family and their  lives would just stop being the topic of conversation on this site. We have heard it all so many times before. If all the characters in this 20 year farce were not  royalty, and were in fact just ordinary individuals like us and our neighbours, would we still be having this on-going story? No, all the gossip and lies and goings on would have been finished with and forgotten years ago. Who is interested anymore?. Let it all go and let everyone get on with their lives. The past can not be changed.

  5. Social Science Lady, one answer star for you. It is so annoying the fixation the Diana cult has on these pages. Diana is DEAD and nothing will ever change that fact. I would rather talk about something interesting

  6. Suzie i agree with midnite rambler...

    Penny Junor does "believe" she's royalty - and it's well known penny junor didn't like Princess Diana.

    I don't think 'secure' is the correct term - maybe we have just had to accept it. I'm not saying i dislike Camilla - that's all i want to say....      :   )

    midnite rambler - that is one smart answer....

    Social science lady:  hi - just want to say i don't reply very much to such questions - i did this time because i know a little about penny junor - i do believe it's a little different - and current  news - but i do know what you mean - some things become tiring to some yet remain interesting to others...

  7. Think you'll find it's the opposite.

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