
Penny stock?

by  |  earlier

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if a sock was.0002 and you wanted to buy enough of it to go to .0004 how much would you need?




  1. Hard telling for sure, because to just give you a number would discount market Psychology.  Personally, technically speaking, I would say that you would need to buy 1/2 of all the outstanding shares.  However, if other investors noticed someone taking a significant, probably controlling interest in the company, it would likely spur some other buying as well, which would likely drive the price up further than you intended.

  2. Depends on the # of shares in the market, and how much demand there is.

  3. That depends on how many share are on the offer, and if you can buy them all, if you can then you will be able to move it up at least until .0003.

  4. You wouldn't have sufficient capital to move the shares...It's so diluted that there are probably 10's of billions of them floating.  PEACE!
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