
Pentocostals how do you know?

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since posesed people ar known to act crazy speaking win wierd tounges and the like how can you tell if some one in your group is notp possesed?




  1. if they do not act crazy with weird tongue =P

  2. I am not Pentecostal, but I have a friend who is and I have been to her church a few times and the "speaking in tongues" and passing out rolling around on the ground is really strange.  One time I was at her house and I could see her Mom in her bedroom rolling around in the dark and was really creepy.  My friend said she is praying, god bless her and shut the door.  What the freak and people act like JW's, Mormons, Muslims, are strange?!?!?!

  3. Those of The True Christian Faith are as susceptible to mental illness as any one else... with the same symptoms and manifestations...

    But, no one of The Church(The True Christian Faith) can be "possessed" by any demon or other entity of the forces of evil... so any one of The Church who starts acting "crazy" is suffering from a mental disorder of some kind and needs proper professional help... not an exorcism... Pentecostals included

  4. I am pentecostal and ive never seen anyone rolling on the floor passing out speaking in tounges.

    I have heard people speak in tounges quite a few times. You can just tell who is genuine about it.

    Tounges is a gift from the holy ghost, meant to be used in prayer. People who jump and roll around and act weird are just feeding their phyisical side, it really has nothing to do with the prayer itself.

    And then you have some churches who give Penecostals a bad name and make everyone think we are crazy.

  5. From experience I would say that 90% of tongues are a learned experience that is set up by an emotional choice.

    I would say almost no tongues comes from demonic activity, and very little of present day tongues represents the gift of the Spirit.

    The reason I conclude that most tongues are not the gift of the Spirit is because the people speaking in tongues typically do not follow the guidelines for tongues set up by the Apostle Paul.  The guidelines include two or at the most three may speak in a tongue, the tongues speaker must always have an interpreter, and always one at a time and in an orderly manner.  I actually have seen tongues numerous times, but never practiced according to Scriptural guidelines, hence they cannot be of the Spirit.

  6. You can tell when someone is filled with the Holy Spirit.  

  7. Slava Iusu Chrystu!

    There is a great book that addresses the charismatic and pentecostal movements from a traditional Christian perspective call ORTHODOXY AND THE RELIGION OF THE FUTURE by Seraphim Rose.

    I believe that many pentecostals and charismatics though well intentioned and attempting to love and serve the Lord, are being deceived by the demons who are the very source of the tongues, hysteria and manifestations they are experiencing.    

  8. LOL! Funny question.

    I'm not Pentecostal, but I hear ya.

    Actually, most of those who are possessed are supposedly pretty normal most of the time. It's not until they come to Christ or have people praying for them that they go all wacko.

  9. Because 100% of tongue speaking is fake.

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