
People's strong opinions- lack of knowledge, pedophiles?

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Alright, now I see many questions asked on YA! concerning pedophiles, now being a knowledge seeker I read up on the subject as I do with many other things when I find them interesting.

Now in many of these questions/answers, why do so many people seem to love to express their opinion without knowing much about it. For example, i was reading a question and the best answer, chosen by voters was along the lines of "pedophiles are people who rape and kill children".

Does anyone here even know the difference between a pedophile and a child molester? It's like saying a Heterosexual goes around raping women simply because he is sexually attracted to them, or a homosexual rapes those of the same s*x, etc.




  1. Either way, it harms a child, so the literal definition nor differences among the two concern me.

  2. i see what your saying but im not really seeing the question part lol.

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