
People against BYB's?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so i was reading a heap of other peoples questions about breeding there dogs, BYB's, restricted dogs, Guard dogs, Nuts on of chopped.

There was allot of people answering with boo byb, go get a dog from the pound, get the dog steralised ra ra ra.

I was thinking, does anyone ever think about the amount of people in the world?

I keep thinking there are some mungrel people in this world breeding and why cant we stop them.....?

Some breeds of people shouldnt be allowered to breed so we can get rid of them.

I really disagree with allot of BYBs, there are SOME that are generally good people wanting to have nice, decent Pure puppies etc. for shows, and well Kennels clubs etc.

Does anyone think about what i am thinking?

People - Dogs

Dogs - People




  1. I know exactly were you are coming from I think the same thing. If people are so into spay and neuter and abortions of litters then how do they feel about human mating? I believe breeding your dog is a choice and rather you do it for the right reasons or the wrong reasons it does not matter it is still your choice and people on this site need to stop chastising people for asking a question.

    ADD: Thank you Chicka

    She means that if we are so into controling the breeding of dogs and cats then why don't we control the population of humans as well since there are over 8 billion of us on the planet, why don't we spay and neuter man and women as well?

  2. You are very right that not all BYBs are the same. But that is exactly the point. BYBs unlike accredited breeders do not have to follow any rules of conduct. There are probably some that are responsible but then there are many others who are not. You just don't know.

  3. What is all the fuss about? I breed German Shorthaired Pointers. They are purebred, but I dont want to show. I sell puppies without papers, I guess that makes me a BYB. I have 1 male & 2 females. My 3yo is having her first litter. Right now, all 3 of them are sitting with, all over me. I love them and they love me. My kids are all grown, this is my thing. They are all inside dogs & go toilet outside. Dogs are great.

  4. Actually..

    People ARE killed because of overpopulation... Ever hear of the one-child policy in China??? Many female children were abandoned or outright murdered becasue of it.

  5. wow, this is a loaded question...

    They are killed because of overpopulation, dog shelters can not humanly feed and house the millions of homeless dogs and puppies in the world. They are not killed because they are mongrels... Puppymills and bybs on the whole do not care about their dogs once place and they get their $$$ If those people did care they would invest the time, energy and money into rescue... but if there were no bybs, puppymills and all companion level dogs were altered their dogs... there would be no reason for rescue and their dogs would not die by the millions... Most responsible breeders screen owners and will take back and/or help place their dogs if they are placed with an unsuitable owner.

    The mongrel issue is diluting breed standards with disregard for breed history, health and making fashion accessories rather than promoting responsible ownership.

  6. I'm sorry but your mistaken.

    BYB's aren't people breeding pure breeds for show and stuff.

    BYB's are back yard breeders that breed any breed of dog with another breed of dog for MONEY.

    they don't get the dog tested for any health issues they don't breed properly and they breed dogs way to early.

    basically they get a dog and a another dog let them mate then sell the puppy's for money.

    ADD: HAHA.... I don't think you understand. If you breed your dogs at home doesn't mean your a BYB that is just word that we use to describe irresponsible breeder, Hahaha your funny! if thats the case then your a responsible breeder. it doesn't matter if you breed at your house its just a frace.

  7. Surprisingly, I have actually thought that. There are some people who I really think should not have had children - either they are in no position for them, or are just generally unpleasant people. Unfortunately, you can't kill unwanted people.

  8. I'm not sure what you said,but no,I never thought it.

  9. my mother has been saying for years that people should only be allowed to breed if they get a highish score in an I.Q test. I tend to agree with her, especially when i tell people and they start arguing about different educations and how it wouldn't be when I.Q has nothing to do with book smarts.

    My thought on backyard breeding is that responsible breeding is responsible breeding, regardless of the breeds of dogs. If you have two even temperaments, nice looking dogs and you know enough about breeding/care and everything then it's fine. My issues is people who just want to breed their dogs for the puppies, not looking into medical history or temperament and not knowing what to do to help the animals! Quite frankly, if you have to ask on a site like this about how to breed, what to breed to, what do to in a situation that obviously requires a vet - then don't do it!

    I have a REALLY good looking pure black labrador, i've had so many other lab owners approach me about breeding her, but we had her neutered because we know nothing about caring for a pregnant dog or new born pups and we didn't have the time! My dog also has a highly dominate personality and quite frankly i wouldn't breed from her because of this, most people getting a lab as their first dog because they are 'easy' dogs wouldn't be able to handle a dog like her! So many people just don't think it through before doing it!
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