
People always assume..?

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Why do people always assume the worst in teens? I was at the mall today with my aunt, her mother, and my two cousins (3 year old, and a 4 year old). While my aunt was helping the 4 year old try on jeans i took the 3 year old walking around. I had her in a stroller and people were giving me the weirdest looks every time i turned around, it was really annoying. People were looking at me like she was my daughter. I mean i understand that it does happen but why do people ASSUME that? It seems like everyone assumes the worst in people. Why is that?




  1. They're human. People assume those types of things becausethey judge what they see without asking.

    They don't know how to think before they speak OR act.

    This actually happened to me once, even though the kid

    looked nothing like me.

    My neighbor actually cussed the person out since it was his

    baby... and the baby was Caucasian, so it obviously wasn't mine.

  2. like some of the people said teenagers being pregnant is happening way to often  look at all the people on this asking for help about being pregnant at 14,15,16,17 it's sad how people have become so used to seeing teenagers  being pregnant that's they see one with a baby and they think that's it's there's it just sad.

  3. you must not have a good rep

  4. Why do we assume that? Because you all prove us right most of the time.

  5. Because we live in a society where sadly teen pregnancies are becoming every more common. It was rude of the people to stare and give you weird looks but what can you expect from an unabashed world? Just ignore them and know you are one the smart teenagers who would not get pregnante.  

  6. Human nature.

    We tend to see flaws in people before we see the good.

    It's very unfortunate, but true.

    The best thing we can do is be open-minded and not judgmental.

    :] G'luck.

  7. People are just like that. I would ignore it. People still think 13 year olds should still be playing with Barbies...

  8. pl do it because of todays society, generally telling them that teens are the worst age groups. but they are dumb to think that and no matter how hard you try to change it they will always assume.

    and there isno negciation (speled wrong)  

  9. the same happened to me with my 4 yr old cousin. i was babysitting her and i took her to McDonald's to get an ice cream and everyone assumed i was her mother! WTF! i know it happens allot now but how rude! idk why they assume.

  10. I hate it! I cant hold my 3 year old niece without ppl staring at me, and making rude remarks..

    stupid ppl thinking im a bad person :(

  11. Just ignore it. That happens to me all the time. At least people didn't make comments about how you can call yourself catholic.( I was in my uniform and a woman stopped me and my cousin in the mall) I just ignore it or say kind of loud "So I am your favorite cousin right?" or tease her in some way like that using the word cousin

  12. just the way people are, I would of looked at them and said isnt he/she cute, yeah he/she is my cousin...or really annoy them and say yeah I had her/him when I was 12, stuff happens, lol

  13. Because sadly that "situation" happens way to often

  14. Because unfortunately the times are that of girls of young ages raising kids. Still doesn't justify assumptions but that's just a sign of the times

  15. bummer...

  16. cuz ppl suck, and like i said, they were lookin at mis good lookin  

  17. I have no idea and I agree with you! When I'm in the mall and I see a girl with a kid in a stroller, I think she's babysitting or an older sister or something. People jump to conclusions so quickly nowadays.  

  18. cause people are ignorant. me and my bf were walking around the mall with my 3 year old cuz too and we were getting the dirtiest looks i think also it was from the fact that both me and my bf are white and my baby cuz is half and half african american. now i am in no way racist and it p*sses me off royally when people are just ignorant about some one and they judge with out any knowledge

  19. Because they are nosy but I mean teen pregnancy happens a ton now

    I hate that because when I'm holding my baby cousins and bring them to the park I get rude remarks too. Once a nosy lady came up to me and started lecturing me on teen s*x and I was like "Lady this is my cousin!!" and walked away.

  20. Wow, people are just jerks anymore!

    They always assume you are a teen parents when you are holding a baby.

    (It never happened to me because I don't hold babies and I don't have one)

    but I would be pretty angry if people did think I was a teen parent.

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