
People and thier insecurities?

by  |  earlier

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dont you think that men who feel the need to put down a woman just for being a woman have some major insecurity issues. really, cant they find some actual thing to dislike someone for. this of course goes for women as well. but any man who feels the need to "put a woman in her place" seems pretty pathetic to me. are the really that uncomfortable with themselves that they have to belittle other people?




  1. I think that people who put others down for any reason are insecure with something,and I have no time in my life for those type of people.

    I'm not judging,just choosing not to share my life with people who are mentally insecure.

  2. Sure I have my own insecurities but I keep them to myself, not manifesting them onto other people. I won't  however stand for being labelled a mysoginist for simply standing up for myself. It also depends on the scenario, would it be easier for me to ignore it if a woman attempted to put me in my place and sit there and "take it like a man"?

    Probably. Some people are better at letting it roll off their shoulders than others.

    People that you describe are indeed pathetic and unfortunately they can breed and pass on learned behaviors to their children. Its about courtesy, dignity and respect. If these types of people want this for themselves and not practice it with others then they deserve neither.

    Its not a one way street.

  3. They have a low self esteem and hostility towards the opposite s*x because of a series of tragic events that involved a person of the opposite s*x. It could be bitterness towards their mother in their subconscious that happened in the first two to three years of their life or a sibling rivalry that involved a young sister who "stole" the attention from them. Their bitterness is increased after being rejected by a girl or girls that they liked.

  4. Yeah, seriously, I have met people like that before and they are just idiots. There is no place for a man or a woman, everyone has a different calling. When will these idiots learn that. And strangely, it's not just men putting women in that place, but women doing that to themselves, too. It's retarded. People are often too insecure to change something that has been around for centuries, like the patriarchal society. Like in high school, everyone just wants to go along with everyone else. Silly, I know. Thank God times are changing.

  5. Yes, I do think exactly that.

    Nothing to add.

  6. I think it is more learnt behaviors.

    And occasionally a women needs to put in her place, god knows our mouth's and emotions can get away on us. It all comes down to respect. I would never take a put down from someone who did not respect me or have my best self in mind.

  7. this goes back to the beginning of time.  men have almost always thought they were superior to women and in ways they are, strength, height, weight, it is pathetic. i would never put up w/ a man trying to put me in my 'place', but i have a friend who puts up w/ it.  when she gets away from the house for reasons that she can make up, she is constantly watching the clock and not answering her cell and making sure there is a 'story' in case 'he' calls looking for her. SAD.  he won't let her have a job because there is no place around here that would pay enough for her to go into work. (his words) and she stays.

  8. There is nothing wrong with stating the need to put a woman in her place.

  9. life is never fair.....ignore the a**holes..and move on with life...let them be,they will never change,and they get a kick out of upsetting us,its part of the hate,enjoying us suffer and hurt. just act like u dont care ..why let some1 get a rise out of u when u mean s*** to them????

  10. No I don't see what you mean, could you elaborate a few more pages and I will revise my answer.

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