
People are all innocent at first, what are some stuff a person can do to make them lose there innocence

by  |  earlier

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to me if a person drinks, smokes, does drugs... stuff like that




  1. Add in lying; It's probably the first virtue to go.

  2. I think its more what happens to them that causes them to do things to lose their virtue... Death, tragedy, war, violence, divorce, hate, bullying, cruelty, misunderstanding, neglect... Things like that.  I don't think it is generally the person's fault when they fall out of innocence.  The rest of the world is to blame.  

  3. All children are innocent.

    We are taught first from our parents and educators how to survive in society.  There are many challenges along the way in life that each of us are exposed to, you make choices based on our teaching or testing of your teachings or disregard for your teachings or you were taught wrong from your teachers and suffer the consequences.  Ultimately we are each accountable for ourselves, our behaviors and our abilities.  

    There are innocent ones who are abused and tormented no fault of their own, as a society we each have a responsibility to protect and help the innocent ones overcome their fears and make them safe.

    Vices such as alcohol and drugs hinder judgement and cause a person to stop growing emotionally, maturely and healthy. Cheating an innocent mind of experience, the challenges that make us stronger. Harming our physical bodies of normal function and abilities.

    Innocense must mature to discover the meaning of peace of mind in body and soul.

    Peace Be Still

  4. All those are good reasons, but what they all tie into is losing respect for yourself. Once you lose that, then you are willing to fall for anything. That is why society is the way it is today.  

  5. I actually have a latin inscription of "innocence within us all" tattooed on my body.

    Here's a story for you:

    "The Fool comes to the foot of an enormous black mountain where reigns a creature half goat, half god. At his hooves, naked people linked to the god's throne by chains, engage in every indulgence imaginable: s*x, drugs, food, gold, drink. The closer the Fool gets, the more he feels his own earthly desires rising in him. Lust, passion, obsession, greed. "I refuse to give into you!" he roars at the Goat god, resisting with all his might. The creature returns a curious look. "All I am doing is bringing out what is already in you," the beast responds. "Such feelings are nothing to fear, nothing to be ashamed of, or even to avoid." The Fool gestures angrily at the chained men and women, "You say that even though they are enslaved?" The Goat-god mimics the Fool's gesture. "Take another look."

    The Fool does so, and realizes that the chained collars the men and women wear are wide enough for them to easily slip off over their heads. "They can be free if they wish to be," the Goat-god says, "Though you are right. I am the god of your strongest desires. But you see here only those who have allowed their base, bestial desires to control them." At this the Goat-god gestures upward, toward the peak of the mountain. "You do not see those who have allowed their impulses and aspirations to take them up to the top of that mountain. Inhibitions can enslave as easily as excesses. They can keep you from following your passion to the highest heights." The Fool realizes the truth in this, and that he has mistaken the Goat-god. Here he understands now that it is not a creature of evil, but of great power, the lowest and the highest, both of beast and god. Like all power it is frightening, and dangerous...but it is also the key to freedom and transcendence if understood and well used."

    I don't believe anyone is born evil. We're all simply exposed to aspects of hedonism at some point. Temptations and addictions. They're not wrong, they just need to be kept in moderation. As the story also tells, inhibitions can also enslave us as easily as excesses. It's all about balance. And either way, not going in over your head.

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