
People are mean to me.. how can I repair the emotional damage?

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People are mean to me at school. Ironically, I was very well-liked in my small grade school and middle school. My jr. high classmates voted me kindest, I was friends with all of the girls in my class, and boys even thought I was pretty. But when I came to a big high school, everyone started being mean to me, even the people I knew at my elementary school. I've heard a few people make ugly comments about me RIGHT behind my back. Someone has put trash in my booksack and another person wrote "douche" on my locker. On the first day of school I was the first one in the classroom and not one person would sit by me or on the same row as me. If with a group of people at lunch on the floor, people will sit in front of me or sit on the opposite side of the circle; people never sit beside me. If there's a seat by mine at a table, people will sit a couple of seats away from me or go to a different table. I don't know why people dislike me so much. I am very quiet, but I have never been mean to anyone at that school before. Anyway I'm not asking why people treat me this way or how to get them to stop or how to react to it (though if anyone has a guess I would really appreciate your opinion!).. My question is: How can I repair the emotional damage this has done? Before highschool I struggled with shyness and I was not very confident, but my experience has made me shyer than ever and my confidence has never been so low. I planned a suicide attempt last year but I couldn't go forth with it. I don't have any friends and I am now reluctant to make friends or say a word in school because I've been so broken.




  1. Reading some of your questions, I have figured out that you are more afraid of yourself than any other person or thing. You have been through so much, it seems, and you don't know how to overcome your fears. First off, you need to find people who are just like you at your school. Don't try to befriend the "popular" or "cool crowd" just because you want to be like them. There is no such thing as those labels anyway. Also, do not be afraid to make friends just be friendly and smile to everyone, then let everything fall into place.

    To answer your question:

    Suicide is NEVER the answer. Honestly, I dislike the part of you who would attempt such a thing. You do not seem like that kind of person at all. I know that you mean too much to the whole. To take your own life would be overwhelming for those who love you (even if you think no one does!). Try to overcome your emotional problems with your family or a therapist. Therapists always listen (it's their job anyways), and even if your family won't listen, open up to them until they do. You may even want to mention your suicide attempts. Lastly, FORGET YOUR PAST AND MOVE FORWARD IN YOUR LIFE, God has a plan for you whether you know it or not, and it does not include you to be sad or lonely.

    Anything else, just let me know.

    God bless you!

  2. I'm really sorry to hear about this; it must be really hard.  Can you talk to your parents about it and see if they can get you some help?  I think the best thing would be for you to talk to a professional counselor about this and how it is affecting your life.  Yahoo answers is not big enough for this problem.  It will get better once you are in college when you're around adults.  The people who are mean to you are still trying to figure out who they are and don't have the emotional capacity to understand that bringing you down isn't the best way to boost their own self-esteem.  High school is filled with lemmings.

  3. Toughen up mate.

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