
People are telling me that making 5bb an hour online is great progres, yet I am making about 50bbs an hour?

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I have been playing Low NLTH for 2 years and I am shocked at how well I am doing- I have made $4000 this month, averaging a thousand dollars a week playing low no limit holdem( buy in $50 playing 5 tables about 4 hours a day)

Can I expect this income to hold or is it too good to be true? do u think if i moved up a limit i cud expect to double my weekly income or shud i exploit the fish at the limit I currently play?




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  2. Variance sir, variance. Expect to have a bad run now. :(

  3. That's pretty ambitious but with these games the tables exist with bad enough players to certainly make a killing.  

    If you move up you probably will have to play less tables since there will be more people with a clue and you won't clean out as many fish.  The only real way to know though is to give it a try.

    King Cobra Poker

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