
People blame that media has corrupted society but they avoid positive side of its contribution in our lives?

by Guest67093  |  earlier

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People blame that media has corrupted society but they avoid positive side of its contribution in our lives?




  1. I would say that, people are tackling the other side of the media as well. Because if they where not  seeing its positive impact,then , they would not be watching TV at all.

    Thanks for asking

  2. cause they know your dumb enough to watch the creepy stuff but will tune out the good stuff.

  3. Some good does come out of the media but a large part of it is trash and should be taken out.  Problem is that they run out of things to talk about and such a large part of society wants to see and hear trash that the media gives in to them.  They reach the minds of children at an early age and by the time they are old enough to think for themselves, their minds have been programed to think a certain way.  Cartoons on Tv for the most part promote all the wrong ideas.  Parents need to be more aware of what others are putting in minds of our children and it isn't just the media, it is the schools, churches and other organizations we trust with our children.  So much of the filth today is s*x.  They can't sell a new car unless there is some scantly clad woman beside it.  All the role models for our children are either violent  or s*x symbols.  Many of the role models in sports are tobacco chewing, spitting, cursing and violent people.  Maybe if all the kids in the U.S. would come home from school with a big wad of tobacco in their cheeks and start spitting on the floors and such, maybe then the parents would wake up and start paying more attention to what the kids are being taught by example these days.  The songs kids love the most pertain to drugs, violence and s*x.  You have kids having kids these days and the parents raising the kids for them.  I wouldn't worry to much though, things are about to change and change rapidly and all the trash in this society will be dealt with swiftly.

  4. CNN at one time focused more on real news like energy what took place in Afghanistan, science etc till they found out people were far more interested in the pvt lives of  entertainment industry stars.

    It is the fault of the people. Their low taste needs to be improved. That is why people from other cultures with better interests and values prosper in US and in the west even when they are not always educated.

  5. Which is what ?

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