
People blamed Clinton for the down turn. Is it fair to blame Bush for today's economy ?

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Taxes, tax cuts...if our leader sucks it seems that the economy does too.




  1. It is not fair.

    Bush or the goverment have no say in how we spend our money.

    Everytime a Corporation increases the price of its product and we still go out there and buy it. Our buying power decreases since that same Corporation is not going to pay us any part of the profits from the sale.

    We ask the goverment we want some service. The goverment ask the Corporate word how much it will cost to implement the service. The Corporation looks at what it will cost to provide the service. The service probably cost the company $.25 per person to provide. Then they conduct a study on how much the public will be willing to pay. After that the bean counters say that it needs an additional 25% profit margin.

    Now from that initial cost. The public is paying for the cost of the study + the 25% profit margin. Meanwhile the goverment says that the service would cost  $x*x.00. The Corporation looks at the amount and smiles since the amount is more than what they figured that you would be willing to pay.  

    So the Corps raises the price but leaves it lower than the goverment price and all 3 are happy but only the public is being screwed.

    All because no one ask how they reach that price or what future cost there is going to be to implement it.

    And once it is implemented it never goes away.

  2. well lets see not helping in creating jobs, helping people not lose there house when there bankrupt, not helping people with national emergencies. Yeah after about eight years of this a*****e, I blame everything except the kitchen sink for what has happened. Clinton on the other does deserve some blame for not internet boom going down a little but you forget the boom finally weny bye-bye when bush became president so I think more blame should go to Bush then Clinton. At least under Clinton we were paying our debt and everybody was making money, since Bush been president we had every national diaster you can think of and some of them haven't been fixed yet(9/11, New Orleans, recent problems near Mississippi River valley area) Our debt has tripled from Clinton at 3-4 billion to about almost 10 billion under the current wasteful spending under your president. Other than that many people are jobless, oil and food have sky rocketed with inflation to terrible prices. Then you ask is it okay to Blame him when he does nothing to help the American people. The people trying to help Americans is the Congress and the House, your a*****e of a president keeps vetoing and threraten to veto every idea people come up for to solve all the problems that we all have right now. You wnat something done, tell your congressman/woman then, your preisent has already forgotton you and every person in this country.

  3. you can also look at 2006 look who you put in Congress .and they said you put us in office and bring down the price of gas and get us out a war .how much are you paying today compared to 06 to think about that .

  4. Dont forget Democrat Controlled Congresses.

  5. Quite right, it isn't totally fair to blame everything on the president, whomever they are at the moment, but they have enough say in what happens to influence it greatly enough to share in the blame.

  6. Absolutely, it's fair. Not only fair, but accurate.

  7. Bush and Cheney are the only ones who don't know they are responsible for our economy.  Everyone else blames them, as do I.

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