
People can 'see' Arsenal finishing 6th and Liverpool finishing 1st. Am I in the right decade?

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or is this forum just opionions from the 80's that Yahoo keep posting up




  1. Its not our fault that some people are deluded.

  2. I don't think there is any of chance of either of them happening. I think Arsenals' worse finish would be 5th and Liverpools best would be 3rd.  

  3. arsenal might finish 6th but Liverpool will not win it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. No mate its not! its going to be Liverpool this season, sowat if we havent won it for 20 years, when the Paisley retierd we had a hard time replacing him! Rafel has done a good job and put us back on our feet................ lets wait and see???????

  5. Wrong decade mate that's in the 70's and 80's not the 21st Century

  6. I'm a GOONERS fan and obviously Arsenal cannot finish 6th.People who say such things have psychological problems.Liverpool 1st, please slap them, they need to come out of fantasy land.

  7. yeh ppl are delusional!

  8. no you are in the wrong decade, Arsenal may not win the league this season but they will not finish outside the big four. I believe Liverpool is got a great chance and they will be all out to break their age long jinx but again their chance is limited although they have good a very good attack.

  9. Exactly - Liverpool WERE a good team THEN!

  10. arsenal might finish 6th but liverpool will not win it, just because they find a goalscorer they think they are the best.  

  11. lol....these fans need a major update (20-year old one)

    none of this will happen ,especially arsenal finishing sixth

  12. Liverpool 1st? LMAO.

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