
People can be so mean!?

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OK so yesterday i accidentally stepped on this girls shoe because someone bumped into me. and she told me to wipe it off and i said no. so my friend wiped it off. then i told the girl :sorry someone bumped into me.

and she just like ignored me. and im the type of person who hates it when some one is mad or hates me. especially when its something dumb.

so how can i stop caring and just ignore it.

how can i also stop being so shy.

it was at orientation for high school and school starts soon. so i don't want to go to school and she talks about me or anything along those lines. i was happy about going to high school now im just scaredd.




  1. Sounds like the girl has a chip on her shoulder, and you did not put it there. When you see her in school, don't even look twice at her. She is the one with the problem, not you!  There will be a lot of girls who think and act like they are better than you, but hold your head up high and go on.  

    Good Luck and have fun in your high school years!

  2. abou the first girl... get in the car and run her over. =]

    Just stop being scared you will find friends and people who are mean and ignorant have problems with themselves.. i say f*** em

  3. OMG. thats kinda funny. Telling you to wipe their shoe off.

    i dont know. i guess go to that person and tell them your sorry again and that you dont want any problems during the school year

  4. I'm shy too, and yeah - that situation would have been terribly embarrassing. However, you shouldn't let it get to you, especially since the girl was downright rude to you. You did the right thing by apologizing. That's all that is required of you.

    I know it's hard to have people mad at you, but just take a breath and remind yourself that you have no reason to be ashamed. You did the right thing.

    High school is a blast, my advice is to focus on the good things instead of the bad things. At the end of each day, write down your favorite part of the day. Sometimes writing out the worst part helps too, because you realize that it wasn't a big deal after all.

  5. Just be yourself and don't worry about what people think about you.  Focus on your studies and participate in extra curricular activites.  About stepping on her shoe one apology was fine...  I would of been like "my bad" and kept it moving.  It was an accident some people are just having a messed up day and want to make the next person feel like them.  Just be you and enjoy your high school days because once you graduate you will wanna go back =)

  6. Why are you being a coward?  I don't know.  That's for you to discover.  But you can start that process by examining what it is about these people that are mean to you that makes you care so much about their opinion.  If I came across a hag like that, her opinion would be the last thing that I cared about.  If anyone ever told me to clean their shoe, I'd probably spit on it.  Because that's what they deserve.  You have got to start the process of being fair to other people as well as to yourself.  It's not fair to you that you have to worry about what someone like this thinks of you, and it's also not fair to them that they get to hold that power over you.  You don't deserve to have to fret, and she certainly does not deserve the ego boost.  You are the person more worthy of respect in the situation- start acting like it!

  7. Wow ok so the same thing happened to me last year in the gym locker room.  I was walking and accidently stepped on someone's ugg and i barely even stepped on it and I said "sorry" and she said "wipe it off" but then her friend wiped it off for me and was like "omg." ...It was kind of weird then seeing the girl after that but I just didn't think about it and didn't let it get to me.  She was a *****, so I don't even want to think about her really.  Just forget about it and move on with life...something this small really shouldn't get you thinking this hard.  

  8. I would just not even think about it. If she talks to you just keep walking and act like you didn't hear her or like you don't know her. She is the type that likes to look good in front of her friends and wants to look tough. If you act scared or actually talk to her it will only make it worse.  

  9. it's ok things happen! you might ever seen this girl anyways so i would just ignore it i do it all the time. trust me i'm in high school right now well i'm in 10th grade idk about you but things happen just move on ok any more questions and you can add me as a contact and we can talk!

  10. stab someone in the throat...  

  11. face it. people are *** holes. there is nothing wrong with caring the fact of the matter is you have to learn to sort whats worth caring about and what isn't. another thing is don't take **** from people. i'm not saying start fights, but don't let others take advantage you. stand up for yourself. high school can be intimidating. the whole being shy thing is something you have to work through. take chances. talk to people you normally wouldn't worst comes to worst they don't like you.

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