
People complain, rightfully so, about gas prices! what do you do with oil executives?

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and gas station owners, who are gauging!! the public? and making huge profits while we suffer at pump?prices will never!! go down, as long as oil men know profits are to be made, and the public meekly!! ACCEPTS IT!




  1. This is not an oil executives problem. This is basic economics called supply and demand. As long as we remain dependent on foreign sources for our oil this problem will remain. We have more than enough oil in Alaska and off the coast lines of American that would bring enough supply into the market place to drive down the price.  That makes it a politicians problem because they are the ones preventing responsible drilling in those areas. Contact your congress people and demand that they stop blocking this.

  2. gas station owners make a profit, but not as big as you think.  They are charging a decent price that they have to pay so they can make a profit.  We as people don't see that so we just assume they are abusing our money and needs.  The public won't stop paying for gas no matter how high it gets because we NEED it to get places.  So complaining isn't going to do anything considering we're still goin to buy anyway.

  3. As long as we have  good ol boy GW in office no end to high  fuel prices will be seen I  wager .

    This is more than likely because his family ties are of course steeped in oil  and they are the actual people ( along with the oil execs ) reaching into our pockets to make theirs as full as they can to keep the down trodden just that down trodden .

    Why is that  some are asked .

    Well I believe that we as a  whole are so used to the status quo ( OK being  lemmings ) that are afraid to speak our minds and tell  congress that as a whole nation that this is not going to do because it is now taking away from us at the most basest of levels IE: medical care ,  heating if not cooking as well , child care ( because working mothers are already having to spend much of their income  to pay to work ) and of course food .

    Now having come from a farm  family if the city limits did not prohibit a small farm with in it then I sure would be having fresh grown veggies on my table every night ( or even if I could have a cow in the back yard then why not fresh milk daily as well) but then with the deep pockets of every one involved then   I know that I have to face reality and scrimp and  save just to be able to afford much needed meds to be ale to stay alive just one more month and living on a fixed income it sure is not easy believe you me !

  4. The spot price of oil is not controlled by any other people you mentioned.

    Our government cannot "control" the price by any means except controlling demand.

    Controlling demand means telling people how much gas they are allowed to buy each day/week/month.

    Is that what you really want?

  5. Gas station owners don't set the price they sell for. For the most part, they buy the gas from the company and whatever price that is dictates what they have to sell it for. Generally, station owners only make a few cents per gallon. All of their money comes from sales inside the store. That's why gas station owners fought against pay at the pump. They need customers to go inside and buy things.

    The only thing we can do with oil executives is give them more money! Lord knows they deserve it for bleeding us dry!

  6. Oil companies have posted largest profits in history, even after paying those huge salaries. Nothing we can do about that because we live in a capitalistic country where the only reason for companies to be in business it to make as much money as they can.

    Not only that, but the countries that produce the oil decide at what price they want to sell, so we have little choice about the wholesale price. They have a coalition and we have nowhere else to shop.

    We have alternatives,  those dirty isms, like Communism or socialism where the government runs the industry.

    We could tax them, as Hillary Clinton proposes, but that's a joke because they pay our leaders well to make sure no such thing happens.

    We could boycott by not using oil, but that's not too practical since all our machinery needs it to run.

    Actually there is yet another major reason for the price of oil, that's speculation. Investors buy it at a lower price, creating a shortage then resell when the price goes up due to shortage, pocketing the difference. It seems there's a lot of that going on.

    The ones not making profit are the gas stations. It is so expensive for them to buy it that even at highest prices they are making very little, so it's possible that even getting gas won't be so easy soon.

    So the whole question is so huge and involved we are just accepting it, what else. The story about converting corn into ethenol doesn't work because not only doesn't it work as substitute for the amount of need, but it results in famine when not enough is grown for food.

  7. Don't forget about gas taxes!

    As long as states/municipalities keep adding taxes to each gallon of gas you buy, it's not going to get any cheaper.

  8. Take 'em outside and shoot their winkies off. and steal their moneys too. :)

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