
People decry labour but how would it be any better or worse if an alternative party were elected?

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People decry labour but how would it be any better or worse if an alternative party were elected?




  1. Yep, good question.

    That's the thing, they're all bloody brilliant until they get elected. Then they'll forget everything they promised to do when they're confronted with the little problem of actually doing it.

    Anyone who thinks the Conservatives will be any better obviously doesn't remember how utterly terrible they were in the first place. Anyone doubting that might want to think on how Labour have managed to stay in power for so long. Too many people remember the last Tory government, and believe me they were substantially less brilliant than they'd have you believe.

  2. Well it never has in the past so why do people think it will in the future.It seems to be a game that the two main parties play OK its your turn now to fill your boots lads we certainly filled ours!

  3. We cannot know, since that unelected despot Brown is likely to be with us 2 more years.

  4. We`ll know in 2010!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. new labour are just tories with a new name

  6. Well I don't think uncontrolled immigration would have been such a problem for a start. The facts speak for themselves, and it is uncontrolled immigration that is responsible for much of the country's current woes. That and the fact that Labour have thrown billions of pounds at various pet projects for little and or no results. In fact, for all the money they've spent, you'd have to say the problems have actually got worse, particularly if you look at the recent SATS debacle. They could have given the hard working teachers of this country a few thousand quid extra to do the marking, but they decided to awarded the job to an American firm for a rather larger sum and they completely ballsed it up!

    I don't know if another party would have done any better, but there's point dealing in 'what if' politics. Labour have to carry the can for their continual failings.

  7. Some of us remember Tory rule.    Enough was enough.

    Pensions did not rise with income, 0versees Aid was cut, etc etc.

  8. I think that Labour are utterly incompetent, overly prescriptive and dishonest; not to mention biased and only looking after their cronies.  Their knowledge of economics has to be put in the laughable catagory.  

    They have even made a complete mess of implementing the policies they knicked from the Conservatives.  

    I for one will be overjoyed when they are all given their P45s come the next General Election.

  9. What a question! Where have you been for the past 10 years?

  10. Why bother about which Party. Just vote for The MAN.

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