
People eating drives me insane, is there something wrong with me?

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I hate everything about people eating, I don't enjoy going out to restaurants or eating with people. Even if the people are my best friends when they are eating all I can think about is leaping across the table and hitting them, I have to bite my lip or finger to not yell at them, I get huge ulcers and even broke the skin on my finger because of this. At times i've even got annoyed at the sound of myself eating.

Now i've read of a few other people having this and also having OCD but i'm sorta the opposite extremely messy and unorganised with ADD, I don't take meds for it as I don't see it as a problem and can't see how these could be related.

So does anyone else have similer problems and maybe a explenation?




  1. i don't but i've noticed that if i'm on the run and grab a burger and eat it while i'm driving, some people seem to get really upset with me. i had one woman actually flip me off, she was enraged...i was like, what was that all about? i didn't cut her off or anything.

    additional: i know that when i don't like someone, watching them eat really disgusts me.

  2. Do you know there is such a thing as "types of snobs"? We are all snobs, just different types. There are health snobs, career snobs, intelligence snobs, material snobs...these are just a few major "types" of snobs..... I have once found myself to be a health snob at one point, looking at people eating meat in particular as if they are selfish slobs. Many vegetarians in fact do this. There are also career snobs who look down on people with "no ambition"...though they do not necessarily show this openly. Many people don't realize they have similar attitudes in certain areas of their life. It's natural, but you can improve yourself. And trust me, it's not what it seems what you see. I could be the one who see in the restaurant gobbling up my food cos I didn't have breakfast or lunch at work. Good day.

  3. Is it sound..? maybe it's a sensory integration problem?

    Perhaps it's the social situation you're uncomfortable with?

    Try to focus on other things when you're with someone eating. Try to distract yourself from this main issue.

  4. Ok, so you are not OCD. OCD is a disorder in which people have both obsessions and compulsions that effect/disrupt their daily lives. While it does seem like you have and obsession, you do not have compulsions. I would suggest that you seek some help for this though. Because you are not descriminating against who is eating, you have a chance to ruin personal relationships, and it is definetly affecting you if you can't go out to eat where there are other people. I don't know much about ADD., but i have a friend with adhd, and he sometimes has "hightened" senses; rather, he notices things that other people would over-look. Perhaps you are noticing the actions and sounds that people make while eating, and it is overwhelming enough to bother you. Consider asking a proffesional what their opinion is. If you don't know where to look, go to the nearest college and ask a psych teacher.  

  5. nope.. i cant stand when some people eat and want to smash there face into the table but i just get over it and stop looking.

  6. i get tht way but if its ppl eating really unhealthy. but it could be something built up in ur mind maybe u should considere talking to some one, my therypists can allways slove my problems hes the reason im gunna graduate and tht i can talk to people

  7. Na, you're normal.

    Same goes for me depending on the slob doing the eating.  

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