
People fick me off when i was driving?

by  |  earlier

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how to deal? no jokes and thanks




  1. They what you off!?

  2. Just ignore it. There's not much you can "do" anyways.

  3. Ok, serious answer.  Depends on what U driving.  If U in a Honda Civic or similar peanut car do NOT flip off the guy in a 3 trailer long haul diesel truck.  Do not flip off the guy in any pickup truck with a rifle rack in the back window.  U cut somebody bigger than U off he gonna hate it when he has no choice to run over you but that don't make U any less dead.  Stay off yer cell phone and concentrate on driving defensively.  allow all other's on the road room to drive normally and avoid any mistakes you might make and you will get many less one finger signals of discontent from other drivers.

  4. haha u know what i do.....i flip myself off, like, yeah thats right....f*** me    uh huh     it makes me happier.

  5. You're supposed to stay off of the sidewalk.  Don't take it so seriously.  Doesn't it amuse you that you irritated someone enough to make them use a hand gesture?

  6. ,do the right things, don't follow to close,stay to the right in less passing,use turn signal's,let other cars inter roadway, keep your radio down to hear emergency equipment, let other cars merge, just be a nice driver, good luck and I hope you do well.

  7. wave hi at the same time you call them stupid keeps you out ot trouble and freaks them out

  8. Ignore them.

  9. I usually just try to ignore them. People that do that are idiots anyway. I have found that people will flip someone off over stupid stuff anyway. I had a guy in a big pickup truck flip me off one time because I moved out of the left lane the same time he did. I was just trying to get out of his way. Some people are so impatience.

  10. Figure out why you got flipped off.  If it was something that you did and was in the wrong, learn a lesson from it.  What was the reason for this person giving you the finger?

  11. usually, there are two sides to every story- in other words, did you do something to cause this? If so, what did you do? People don't just flick you off for no reason, know what I mean?

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