
People from NYC, tell me what your life is like?

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What's it like living in the city? Do you walk places? Is the subway safe? Is stuff cheap or expensive/




  1. I've been living in NYC ever since I was 3.

    It's great here, sure the rent is really expensive, but its worth it. I walk all the time, the subways are safe. I've never been robbed or anything. I only heard stories. Stuff does cost a lot though, you just need to know where to shop

  2. I love living in NYC.  I was born here.  I've lived in Queens, Long Island, and Manhattan over the years.  But there is nothing like living in Manhattan itself.  To answer your other questions.  It is expensive living in the city by yourself.  Most apartments in the city are ridiculously small.  There are better apartments, but unless you make a lot of money (like $6k a month) then you would need a roommate.  And those situations aren't always the best.  Everything is more expensive.  Food, drinks, everything.  There are people who live in some of the areas outside Manhattan, like Queens or Brooklyn, which is very close to the city itself and tend to be cheaper.

    I love walking around the city.  It's not that bad walking around, and it's good for you.  But I'm a straphanger, I love commuting via trains, subways, buses, etc.  It's how I was raised.  Most of the Subways are fine and safe.  You do have the "daily wierdo" as I like to call them.  There are whacky people in the city, mostly in the Subway, and sometimes you'll encounter some odd people.  The odd guy peeing on the corner, the dude on the train selling lollipops for a quarter, etc.

    Otherwise it's VERY cool.  It's great to be able to stay out late at a bar, restuarant, museum, show, whatever...  And be able to get home in about 20 minutes from anywhere around you.  

  3. i lived in nyc (manhattan) my whole life. and have travelled the world. and i can look you straight in the eyes and tell you that no other city in the world can compare. i love my life here because there is always something to do. i cannot imagine living in the suburbs and rot in my house and look old before i should. LOL

  4. Unlike the first guy that answered i'm a recent transplant into the city from upstate NY.

    I've lived here 4 months and have loved every minute of it.  What I love about the City is everything is here, I rarely have a night where I'm home.  A friend of mine and I recently saw people performing Capoeira (brazilian dance/fight) and we're like we should try that, looked it up and of course there is a course being taught a few blocks a way.  That happens with almost everything, so you can always find an activity which I've found is the best way to make new friends in the City too.

    I chose to leave my car Upstate figuring parking would be horrible.  I haven't needed my car at all and I live in Astoria Queens which is about 20 min on the subway to Midtown Manhattan.  So I walk/train/bus everywhere.  You just buy a $81 unlimmited metro card and you can take public transportation as much as you want, which is actually cheeper than paying for gas.

    Subway is very safe, atleast where I live.  I've had many late nights/early mornings and have never felt in danger.  My former female roommates have road them alone many nights alone and have never had a brothem either.  From what I've seen you are never really alone long enough for people to mess with you.

    As for cheapness, it's NYC so everything is a little inflated.  But you can still find deals.  My friends and I are big happyhour people, you can always find a place to go that is often times cheaper than what you would be paying anywhere else ($7 pitchers, $ shots, quarter wings etc..)  Plus, depending on the type of job you have, that salary is inflated too.  When I moved here I told the place I would need a cost of living adjustment so they raised my salary about $15,000.  Even so, I know some people living on $30,000 a year and they get by pretty well.

    All in all, life here is good.  Everything you want is always right down the block.  I'm guessing you asked because you may want to move here, I say do it.

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