
People generally pin my as being older than I really am...

by  |  earlier

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I'm 16, and ever since I was, oh, 14 or so people have thought that I'm in college, or college aged. I dress pretty normal and plain, and the only make up I wear is powder. Does anyone have any ideas why people think I am four, five years older than I really am?




  1. Do you act mature?!

  2. Well it's not so much age but mileage that will wear on a car and the same applies to humans. Perhaps you just have a very active life full of partying and such. Drug and Alcohol use will also age you faster.

    Sun tanning also makes your skin age quicker.

    Why don't you share a recent pic so that we can see and judge how old you look like?

  3. Maybe you have a level of maturity that is above your current age. It probably also has to do with the amount of makeup you wear (most teens overdo it), and they also dress more for attention rather than comfort. Those sort of things can make an impact on how people perceive you.

    As long as it doesn't bother you, (and it shouldn't, you should be proud) I wouldn't worry about what other people think. Continue being yourself, because that's the best person for you to be.


  4. can't say why but it happened to me however now I'm much older  people think I'm younger I'm not wrinkly as I don't smoke  but when I look at my contemporaries many of them look 10yrs older if not more than me ............................

    it's in your genes maybe you'll get to do the same !!

  5. Facial features?

    The manner in which you speak and carry yourself?

  6. Probably because you act more mature. You clearly have better grammar than most 16 year-olds.

  7. most likely because u act more mature :) but thats good :)

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