
People in Iran need to get rid of this regime but how??

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I hope you know that the Iranian people are not just Persian, they are only the 30 percent of the population of Iran and also the group who are ruling Iran. So if you talk about democracy and freedom you should not forget the 70 percent of Iranian population who are not Persian but suffer more than the "Persians". I write this little note for all Persian who think they mean Iran and they might sit in CA but they are not better than this arrogant president Ahmedinijad,




  1. :D

  2. by throwing rocks like they've been doing for 5000 years

  3. yeah I'm Iranian and I'm Turkish.Persians are too conceited.Besides, I don't think our gov't will fall or anything for the next 200 years. Oh and I live in Iran not CA.

  4. They are doing alot better than the were, You have to admit that. Life is alot more free than it was even 10 years ago.

    After a few year people of Iran will get sick of this all, sick of all the trouble it causes, and they will move on.

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