
People in Ireland vs. people in America?

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Anything special I should know before going to Ireland? Like, will I be treated differently, or are some things over there regarded differently than here behavior wise?




  1. You are already doomed by your question.  Now if you had asked "I'm going to research the different taste of guinness in each county in Ireland do you think I'll have a good time?".  Then the answer is yes.

    Depends on how much travel you have done.  I find most Americans have a very poor awareness of how they are percived by the rest of the world (hence some fool thought he could invade anther country and be welcomed as a liberator)  Just keep clear of politics and religion unless you know who you are talking to.  Try not to analyse too much just jump in and enjoy

  2. Everone in Ireland is generaly friendly. Their accent is a bit different but their behavior is very similar to ours.

  3. ah no u'll b fine where n da country r u goin??u mitnt b able 2 understand the accents tho!!

  4. homeless people?? whats that idiot on about?

  5. You wont be treated differntly just their accents will sound funny and there are more homeless people... (sad to say)

  6. My only experience in Ireland was in Nov/Dec a few years ago, as the tourist season was ending.  We had a nice time but felt like an annoyance to many of the tourist locales that were in the process of closing.  My mother had been a few times before and said June and July were the best times to go.

    I didn't find things to be culturally too hard to handle.  people overall were firendly and there was lots to see.  I was only in Killarney and surrounding areas, but everyone I know who has been to Dublin said it is awesome.

    Did you pick up a travel guide?  Footprint, Let's Go or Moonbooks tend to be the more popular.  I do a fair mount of traveling and always grab one-of course locals are the best source for info, but the guide books always include really helpful info about the country.....

    Enjoy your trip!

  7. Hey, don't wory too much about it. It's all about having a good time. People in Ireland like to enjoy themselves and generally have a good sense of humour about things. Everything is fairly easygoing and there isn't much pressure to be anyone you're not. If you're able to have a good time then you will get on great with most people. Remember, Irish people joke about themselves all the time so don't be offended if you hear the odd American joke. It may just be to test your sense of humour. When you do come here and if you visit nowhere else, visit Galway and stay for a couple of days. You will have a grweat time in this young city and you may never want to leave. One thing to be aware of is that Ireland has very recently become a place of multi-cultures and sometimes the Irish people find it difficult to deal with that. But Americans are far more welcome than most of the immigrant population. Oh yeah, stay out of the 's***w the tourist' gift shops. They will charge you a fortune for something that isn't even close to good quality gift wear.

  8. we love having people here in our country and don't worry too much you will have a ball just leave our leprechauns alone

  9. Read a guide book like Lonely Planet. How paranoid are you Yanks? Don't talk so loud, don't start every statement with, "In America..." then go on with some ridiculous comparison. And don't wear a Canadian flag on your pack, that's just weak. If you people are so d**n proud of your country you'd wear your own d**n flag. We have a tough enough time with our own idiots than having to take responsibility for yours. Ooops! Got off track there...have fun!

  10. I went there a couple of months ago and it was great. Most people spoke English very well. But the further west you go it's harder to understand there accent. But you won't have any problems getting along. The people were so friendly everywhere that I went. And there were lot's of tourist from all over.

  11. you are American so very naive and provincial. Try and not assume the USA is the best country in the world and the rest of the world agrees with you. If possible try not to be too American and if you can tone down your accent.

    Sadly weather you agree with Bush's war or not , you will experience some anger about it. Just remember its Bush and the war who are unpopular in the entire world not you.

    Irish culture is very pub based you cant experience Ireland with out spending some time everyday in a pub,

    Don't drink Guinness its horrible

  12. it will be a culture shock if you expect a mcdonalds on every corner or everything to be the same as you get in america.  if you go to ireland with an open mind you will not have any problems at all.

    if you go to ireland thinking its going to go downhill from the moment you get off the plane then expect the locals to be unforgiving as there is nothing worse then an ignorant tourist, but thats not just reserved for americans, although it is most americans that give the nation a bad name when they travel abroad.

    oh and try black and white pudding, just dont ask whats it made of!.

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