
People in Michigan, Are you as pissed off as I am that our governor does NOTHING about gas price gouging?!?!?

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We should should all write an e-mail or something to her (I guess to whoever reads them) demanding she do something!




  1. Every state has gone up on gas prices. And if you check just about every politician has a share in oil prices. No one is going to try and have prices lowered for the simple reason it hurts their pocket,,,,,, they  forget about the little man. There are 5 major companies who control the gas prices, hence the have had it regulated so that no other company can come in and build a new refinery. If they did prices would go down. they tell you at the beginning of summer prices will go up because of summer travelers, but when it does it NEVER comes back down to where  it was or even close to it. Everything is inflated and there's no release  in sight. so don't ask the government to do anything, especially bush,,,,, he has a share in the oil companies and he doesn't think the states are in bad shape. gas prices are high in the south as well.

  2. Why bother?  Unless you somehow believe the Gov thinks we like higher gas prices, she must know we aren't overjoyed to pay more.  And why make demands when we lack the power back up any demands?

  3. I live in illinois one of the highest gas priced states. i think we are all in for the long hall here.

  4. You are living in a fantasy world that is destructive to government.

    You see you know for a fact that there is gas gouging, and you are not satisfied with government failure to fix it.

    So after every election, your representatives have to do an investigation to find out why not.  There have been hundreds of investigations that cannot find any gas gouging, but it is pretty hard to prove a negative to the conspiracy theorists out there who are convinced there is such a thing as gas gouging.

    The investigations find out what is really causing gas prices to rise .... there are many many reasons ... these are reported via C-Span and other outlets, saying what needs to be done to lower the cost of transportation, but since there are millions of people like you who have bought into the conspiracy theory that there is gas gouging and that the government needs to do somehting about it, the elected officials get to collect from the lottery of high rewards for winning an election, and do absolutly nothing about this.

    Now there is another bunch of people up in arms about the crash of the bridge in Minnesota.  They have found out that 1/4 of the bridges in the USA are at equal risk of same thing happening & they are demanding that the government do something about that.  Well the only way to pay for that, is to dramatically raise the price of gasoline from around $ 3.00 a gallong to $ 30.00 a gallon.

    So guess what's gonna happen?

  5. Good luck it's been done I've signed tons of them! Gas here has been higher than Cali!

  6. Move south!

  7. Thats everywhere not only in Michigan, check around outside of your state the prices are unbelieveable.  Has nothing to do with your governor.  In michigan aren't most of the gas stations ran by arabs, I wonder why it the same all over the country.

  8. I live in Michigan, but im telling you your wrong


    i think its etheir an extra 9 cents or 18 cents

  9. she's responsible for the tax on it.  she doesn't do much about anything

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