
People in Military are you voting for McCain and why?

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People in Military are you voting for McCain and why?




  1.    this retired military family is voting for Obama


  3. I am military and will gladly be voting for McCain.  

    The media does not tell you the real story of the men and women that are fighting this war.  We are fighting terrorism, we are fighting it in their backyard instead of our own, and we are proud to do so.

    Cutting back the military is never a good thing (one that Obama will do) and withdrawing from Iraq is another bad thing.  We have to finish this.  

    Other issues are...nationalized health care - this is a horrible idea, it will result in a substandard health care system and will also hurt the economy by raising taxes and putting less money in the pockets of hard-workers.

    g*y-rights - aren't going to be decided in this election and neither is the abortion issue - so those are non-issue topics.

    I also support ANWR drilling.

  4. He's got the military behind him on both sides of the coin.  Officers will vote McCain; enlisted are voting McCain.  

    Us military folks know where our committed supports are... its in the Republican party.  Most Democrats don't want their children to stand up and serve.  If they do, its only during peace time not war.

    Proud Army Retiree supporting the McCain/Palin ticket

    all the way to the White House

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