
People in Yahoo Answers Philippines, do you know each other?

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I've seen Q&A's posted here at Y! Answers - Travel - Philippines with Y! Answers users calling each other names and even some personal messages in their answers. Does everyone here know each other?




  1. NO. Not really. We are just nice people here with occasional hang over and bad moods. Sharing, caring, loving. Though there are ways to get to know the people here by emailing or IM. I had not tried it yet.

    So, How are you today?

  2. No actually. Here is something like a forum except its questions and answer. Not really for discussion therefore its not as tightly knitted as in forums. Its not easy to get acquainted.  

  3. No, not unless we communicate regularly.  As of today, I know, at least 3 or 4 of them personally.

  4. no not really...but thats the most interesting part of it, you help people whom you don't know...

  5. Don't anybody move!  I've dropped my brain!!

    Aref here.  Am the one with the loose screws.

    But don't worry.  I don't bite.  And I know lots of people here.  They know me, too.  And because they know me,  the ladies are keeping at a safe distance.

  6. A lot of users have met each other either through the YAP Pasko, the YA Meet-up or probably on their own. A lot of us haven't met but had at least once had meaningful and happy conversations through YM. And a good number of users see each other in Yahoo Answers - Philippines (YAP or more correctly YA Travel - Asia Pacific - Philippines) on a daily basis on some questions. That constant bumping is one reason you notice someone else and before long you feel like you somehow know them - at least by avatar, name and answering style. And then the next thing you know, you are acknowledging the other. YAP has a lot of visitor so we don't really know everyone, but you can say the regulars know a handful.

  7. Yup, I think they do know each other and they are being clannish and call themselves Yappers or whatever.

  8. Battgirl says it all.  Through constant communication via YAP and YM, we get to know each other bit by bit.  Then, some of us also get connected through our Friendster account.  We're like a family here, we have our share of spats and misunderstandings but eventually we get over whatever's troubling us and have a good laugh.  Come and be a family, you're welcome anytime.

  9. No.  

  10. Battgirl said it right. A number of us got together to help others, and sometime, when the chance occurs we manage to have an eyeball contact and thus get to know each better.

  11. i dont know...

    but i want to know

  12. Not really.  Just like what normally happens on NET like chatrooms and this Y!Answers, you get to know people, from there some kinda of virtual friendships are formed!

  13. actually i dont know anybody here, but its nice to know that there are many filippino yahoo answerers here, i wouldnt of thought so.

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