
People in marketing? Can I pick your brains?

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I studied Management and Ec. Sciences at uni, so I am no expert in Marketing or Advertising. I need some help and to pick your brains a little!

My boyfriend studied advertising and is currently looking for work with some of the skate brands where we are. I had an idea that he should cold canvass the brands and distributors.

My idea is that he should do some Consumer and Market Research and Analysis and use it as kind of an opener to his Resume to kind of grab their attention....

Any ideas about what kind of info and stats he could provide?

Your ideas would be much appreciated! : )




  1. Your idea is good but not to get your foot in the door.  If he is a Advertising guy.  He needs to do the biggest job of his life.  

    Sell himself.  Get a clean resume,  Look professional and be confident in him self.  

    If I don't think a person can sell them selves why would i give them a job to sell my product.  

    Best of luck!

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