
People in other countries wear weird stuff on their heads?

by  |  earlier

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Why? I'm talking about scarves and towels and pointy hats.




  1. It would appear that the sh*t has hit the fan.

    I think that you could have been a tad more diplomatic,in the way that you phrased your question and you seem to be compounding the damage with your "Additional Details".

    They are wearing their culture and/or religion.You shouldn't mock people for something that you,yourself are devoid of.

  2. 1. They are not towels, if you're refering to turbans....

    2. Its called CULTURE. Get some!

    EDIT: The guy bellow me is hilarious (Unless he gets picked as the best answer in which he would be above me)

  3. You mean like this one:

    I'm with ya on this one bro.

  4. BP,that would appear to be true.

    Honestdave,unless you are one of the more common rednecks,you surely must know,that it isn't a towel,it is a turban and this question smacks of Trollism.

  5. first.... it's not towels and pointy hats, it's called hijab, headscarf and turbens!!!

    second... peolpe wear them because of there religoin and some because of there culture!!!! .... they believe in god and believe that god has orded them to wear it.. so it's not quite there choice!!

    in most religious god has orded people to wear it but same religios have changed gods rules!!

    if u look back in the olden days every one was wearing it.. mostly women!!

    hoped i helped!!!

    p.s.don't be racist, i'm not saying that u are but don't became!!

  6. Why do I feel I have to repeat a statement I made earlier about America's atrocious public education system?

    In my country, we often wear hats on our heads. It stops your brain from frying, when out in the sun. Maybe you should try it :)

  7. Yes they do, unlike Americans who wear beer can hats on their heads and baseball caps that say "S**T Head", with a little pile of poo on the visor.

    So don't go throwing stones in your glass house, bud.

  8. You are American aren't you!

    Edit........yaparii,I knew it.

    Edit.......Why do you say of course?Is it your normal arrogance or the reason for the crass question?

    Edit......What is "solly".Do you have a speach impediment?Is it more arrogance or is your natural racism coming through?

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