
People in southern california area who felt the earthquake yesterday...?

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did anyone feel an aftershock this morning? I was still in bed and sleepy so i don't know what time it was but i think i felt one




  1. yeah i felt it the plant in the living room was really shaking i stood right behind the hallway to our stairs going down for lunch when i felt it

  2. Where do you live?

    But, sorry - no. I did not feel it. I only felt TWO aftershocks.

    One about 5 minutes after the Huge/Long one.

    And the second one I felt...approximately, an hour later.

    They were tiny, but long. Made me jump a bit.

    The first long/big one scared me. I was in the shower when it happened - scary! haha.

    But I live in Yorba Linda (Orange County) so I may not have felt it as much as other cities. I know that Chino Hills probably felt more aftershocks than the tiny cities below. I think the whole aftershock thing depends on where you live.

    But last night I was scared because I thought that there was going to be an aftershock in the middle of the night - so I took down all my paintings on the walls - just in case one just happens to fall on my face in the middle of the night! Lol

  3. I did!

  4. yes !! i did it waas sooooooo scary

    it was a 5.4 according to yahoo! .........

  5. no, but i live in reno and had a ton of earthquakes but we are fine.....i think your fine and good luck be careful and react quickly if u feel a tremble...god bless =)

  6. There has been at least 12 aftershocks since the original 5.4 yesterday.  This morning they had a one just west of Eureka, a 4.2 this morning, check this site for the list:

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