
People in the army or people married to them?

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My husband is in the reserves, and just recently (like last night) he got the call saying they want him. How long will it be before he leaves? What is the chance of him not coming home? Please help.




  1. Audrey! Im going to ask if the friend thing is normal too. Isn't it weird that they were put together? Love you girly <3

  2. Because of operational security you will only have a round about date that he leaves which your husband should be able to give you a general time period already. you can guarantee it will be with in the year from now untill next year. your husband will deploy as you get closer to the date you will find out more. get familiar with OPSEC rules  I see to many men and women posting info on here about there loved ones endangering them here is a link

    you and your husband need to come up with a family plan for finances, children and emergencie contacts. be sure you know what to do when your husband is gone. get your husbands information and remberize it like his social security number.  make sure you have red cross in the numbers also. make sure you have the ability granted to take care of things many of us army wives have  either a special power of attorney or a General power of attorney( a special grants limited power over your husbands belongings and finances while a general gives you full power over it all)

    most FOB(post in iraq) have internet connection so a good investment would be a laptop with a net cam for him so you can see him more often than just phone calls. phone cards get really expensive esp calling internationaly if you do the math buying a laptop is cheaper than spending thousands on phone cards. send stamps a notebook( i wrote important #,s for my husband on the inside of the note book on the card board side. and a phone card with lots and lots of minutes that is rechargeable att cards at walmart work best. calling internationaly cuts your purchased time in half h**l still want to call from time to time  what me and my husband did is I gave him the phone card information the number and the pin to it but kept the card so i could get it reloaded when needed instead of sending him a new card after so long he had the numbers remebered and it was more convient. good luck and i hope him and his freind stay safe  his freind is probly in the same reserve unit as him

    invest in the future while he is gone save up as much money as possible check into CD accounts and rates  my husbandand i put away 20 thousand last deployment with me working with this we can get a nice home one day or something

  3. What do you mean they want him. Is he getting Deployed. If So, he will get all of his Info from his unit. And Dont worry He will make it back home.

    His Friend got a call, more than likely because they are in the same Unit.

  4. There is always a chance. I mean we are losing more soldiers in automobile accidents than the war. get with the family support network believe me it can help you to deal with the deployment.

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