
People in your life you wish you never met?

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Everyone says, oh everythign happens for a reason. I have people in my life I wish i had NEVER met simply because they didnt have a good influence on me. Yes i am who i am today partially because of these people (maybe) but who says I like EVERYthing about myself? Maybe i have things about me that i would like more had i not met these people. I mean if you have a mother that beat you or burned cigs out on you...chances are you're not going to be a very secure adult.




  1. No one...There are reasons why I met those I did in the past, and fortunately I was able to turn my back on a very few bad influences.  I'm actually glad I met them because I learned not to go on the same path they were on.

    Rich, poor, ugly, pretty, tall, short, church goer, pothead, priest, nuns, prostitutes, murderer, white, black, blonde, gangster, etc., etc.

    You name it, I've met them.  They are a reminder to me that we are all individuals and should learn to live and understand one another.

    I'm glad to have met them all..That's what life's all about..Everyone's different and we're all a part of one big picture.

  2. Yes there are many people in my life that I wish I didn't meet. But I did. It's part of my history, and they have influenced my life to a great degree. Not individually but as a whole, and this influence has taught me a great deal about myself. Their influence have taught me what I do not want to be, nor what I would want to do to other people. As bad as those relationships were I learned by their example what not to do to family, friends, neighbours, strangers, and even my enemies.

    I don't like what they did to me and I don't like how I handled some of them, but I do like what I have become and those people who wronged me are as human as I am. That is understandable and forgivable.

    There are more people who I am very happy to have met and they are tenfold to the ones whom I wish I had never met. Many of the good friends I have now are from the poor people I never liked. Together they have had a great deal in putting me where I am now, and it is a good place in my life and I see a good future for myself by what I have learned from my past. The good, and the bad, as well as the righteous, and the evil; they all are responsible for a great deal of my decisions past and present.

  3. That's good.  I like your style of thinking.  I agree.  I wish I hadn't met at least half of my ex boyfriends.

    Look at it this way.  The more c**p things that happen to you, the less chance you have of creating a positve future for yourself.  Because these experiences create what can be called pain prompters.  Memories that are kept in the subconscious mind.  So, how it goes is this.  You set a goal for yourself, try to think positive... but then the old memories come back, the negative thinking creates a feeling of fear and this goes on and on, one step forward, two back, getting you nowhere and holding you back.  If you never experienced an abusive relationship in the first place, you wouldn't have those subconscious prompters.  You would still be secure in the knowledge that people were trustworthy and loving.  Some people just shouldn't have kids for this reason.

    And that everything happens for a reason bs is the biggest crock.  I can't stand it.  **** happens.  It doesn't happen for a reason.

  4. Yeah but you can learn from bad experiences/people.  Everything does happen for a reason and meeting bad people has made you the strong person you are today.  i have met some S****y people but i dont regret metting them.   i learned that will not be like that.  no way...

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