
People involved in the Fast Food industry.. please answer?

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I have a couple of interview questions that I need to ask managers or workers of a fast food res... PLZ HELP?

I need to interview a manager or worker of a fast food resturant but dont have the time to go to a res. and talk to a manager. So if anybody has any experience or is currently in that field plz answr these easy questions. Thank you

Company Name

Who are the customers?

What is the service policy?

What type of training? Examples?

Recommendations for working with customers




  1. QSCV= quality service cleanliness value

  2. hey, was just browsing the internet and came across your plee, well I work for Pizza hut express (not many ppl kno what this is, its a small pizza hut that does 6" pizzas in five mins, with chips, so a pizza equiv of McD's.)

    The company name is Pizza Hut ltd.

    Customers range from mainly younger teens-13-18, and then later 20's. mainly males, however quite a few women for the salad options we do.

    Service policy not sure what you mean clarify and i will reply!

    Training- well we receive a book when we begin which we fill out as we learn something new. this is checked by managers and signed. urrrrm, we are shown what to do by managers then trialed for a day. For example, kitchen training (making fries, taking pizzas out) manager shows you what to do, you try and then they sign it off in the book.

    recommendations- take everything with a pinch of salt! or urm two! sometimes they seem really unappreciative and really annoy you but the key is to keep calm, at the end of the day you are providing them with a service. Also, always greet with a smile and make sure you listen and repeat their order, a wrong order is not fun!

    anything else just ask! =)

  3. McDonalds

    Customer base ranges from young children with their parents to senior citizens.  The biggest demographic would probably be the 14 - 45 age group......

    The service policy?  Fast service prepared properly, served hot and fresh. Polite employees, accurate orders, served with proper and necessary condiments.    If someone is unhappy with proof of purchase (i.e. receipt) we will replace.  If the person is "dining in" they can come back to the counter and the food replaced.  We do not replace food because people do not like what they ordered.  Ask if they want "add-ons" i.e. drink, dessert, larger order, etc.

    Training - on the job. All employees are cross trained meaning all employees learn all stations.  First day, tour restaurant, learn stations, shadow another employee or manager for at least another day.  Next learn one station at a time until mastered.  Generally 2 - 3 days each.  After all stations have been learned, you are plaed in the station that you are needed most, sometimes for a day, sometimes, a week, month, year.  Or you may come in to work one day and be told to cover another station.  Safety measures are reviewed and company policies.  

    If employees do not have the necessary cultivated customer service skills generally they will not be placed on a register or drive thru.

    Recommendations for working with customers:

    Always have a clean, neat uniform

    Practice good, proper hygeniene.  Shower prior to your shift, use deoderant and if necessary carry with you to  put on as needed, it can be hot in kitchens and you dont want to offend customers or co-workers.  

    Brush your teeth, floss and use mouthwash. Halitosis is unacceptable and offensive - Carry mints if necessary - like breathsavers...

    Greet customers when they arrive at register or drive-thru, or just come in the door.

    Be polite.


    Be patient .

    Behave as you enjoy your job, not just there to collect pay.

    Answer questions knowledgably, if you can't or don't know, say let me get my manager, he/she  can answer that for you.

    Be effecient.

    Be sure orders are correct and customers has necessary condiments.

    Thank the customer when you complete their order.

    You are there to serve them, you need them to have a job, not the other way around.

    Don't fidget or sigh. Look interested.

    Be helpful, especially with older people or people with children. Use good judgement when suggestive selling, example - don't offer a milkshake or pie to someone who ordered a salad with low fat or fat free dressing...offer diet soda or water, or a dessert of fruit.....Hold the door open if you are working dining area, everyone appreciates this gesture....also if working dining area, help elderly people dispose of tray garbage, etc.....

    I probably could continue, but I think you get the picture.

    Good luck - hope it helps.

  4. McDonalds

    Who are the customers?Customers are diverse-they are of all age groups and nationalities. Every day, I serve children, teenagers, young moms and dads, middle aged people, and the elderly. They come from all ethnic background, including Asian, African, European, and Mexican.

    What is the service policy? I'm not totally sure what you mean by that. Ummm...a big rule at McDonalds is "the Customer is always right." this does not mean that if they customer says that he is missing 10 double cheeseburgers, then we'll replace them with no questions. It just means that we respect the customers. It's like "innocent until proven guilty." lol. Also, there is the "give them the pickle" rule. This just means that sometimes, it is better to give the customer a little extra and have them come back than to be stingy and lose a customer. And, of course, McDonalds always wants their employees to be courteous to their customers. The acronym GUEST explains how an employee should treat a customer: Greet the customer. Hands Up service(have a good posture, look ready to serve). Make Eye contact. Make the customer Smile. Thank the customer.  Also, McDonalds policy is to replace orders that are wrong, food that is cold, and spilled drinks or dropped food.

    What type of training? Training is done on the computer and shoulder-to-shoulder. The computer training give detailed instructions through way of video, on how to do everything in the restaurant, from front counter, maintenance, cleaning, drive-thru, fries, and production. The training includes quizzes to make sure the employee has learned the material. After the computer training, the new employee is paired with a trainer, who reviews the station with them, and helps them along. The trainer also complete an SOC or Station Observation Checklist, which is a checklist that makes sure the new employee is doing the job correctly and following procedure.

    Reccomendations for working with customers: 1.) Be patient. Sometimes there will be old ladies who count out their pennies, people who stare at the menu for a while, or kids who can't decide what drink they want. 2.) Don't take angry customers personally!! This is extremely important. Customers who yell at employees usually don't have a very good reason to do so, and being bothered by it is only letting the customer win. Employees can't yell back at the customers (except in extreme situations), but they can keep a good attitude. 3.) At the same time, don't let a customer push you around. I had a customer get really mad at me because his order was wrong the last couple times he had been there. I hadn't been working, and even though his problems had been resolved by refunds and replaced meals, he still felt he had to take it out on me when it was the middle of lunch rush. I just told him, politely, "there's nothing I can do about it." 4.) Be friendly and respectful toward the customers. Many employees complain that customers treat them badly, but they are very disrespectful twoard the customer, swear at them behind their backs, and make fun of them. What do they expect? Treat the customers how you would want to be treated. 5.) Go the extra mile. hold the door Carry a tray to someone's table. Replace their spilled drink. Spend a few minutes to look for that certain toy (if you have time). Customers will really appreciate it.

    I hope that help you!!

    I'm a manager at McDonalds and I've worked there for over two years.


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