
People keep asking what my tattoos mean and I don't want to tell them?

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I have two small Chinese tattoos on my upper arms (one on each). I often have people ask me what they mean, and I don't feel the need to tell them cause it's my body and I don't have to explain it. So, whenever they ask, I say it's personal and leave it at that. Only thing is sometimes people get offended when I won't tell them, especially my mother-in-law, who's accused me of being rude. What should I do when this happens?

( By the way, they don't mean anything vulgar... I've just been through some really rough times in life and they're a reflection of that.)




  1. Personally I ask people because I myself love tattoos, love getting them, love seeing them, love knowing their story.

    All tattoos have stories, and anyone with a brain knows this, that is why you are being asked.

    I would take it as a compliment that people are taking an interest in them and you. If it is too personal to discuss, then try to give a vague, shortened definition of what the mean. You don't have to tell what you went through to tell what they mean.

    This may seem like something that will be hard at first, but think about it for a while and you will come up with something!!

  2. make something up....

    thats what id do....

    plus its none of their business... so if they say ur being rude..theyre being rude...

    or just tell them... i mean how bad could it be?

  3. I don't mind sometimes telling people what my chinese symbol says but they don't need to know why I chose that particular symbol. I'm quite happy to tell people its none of their business and they kind of have no right to be offended after all its my body and my business. If I had of wanted everyone to know I would have got it written in english! Sometimes though I tell people it says DIP ****!! Haha.

  4. you have to understand..its on display.

    If its related to family..say family..or overcoming hard times...overcome. if they dig deeper say its personal or its in your past .

  5. Tell them it's Chinese for " Ask me about my tattoos.", and then comment about how well it's working.

  6. Say it's personal and then say you really dont know how to explain it, and tell them its something that they would not really understand.

    And if they take that wrong, they can just learn to get over it, cause im sure they will ask again and you just repeat what you already said, and they will finally figure that they will never really know.

    hope this helps?

  7. I'm actually in the same situation. I have a skull butterfly below my collarbone that represents some difficult times in my life. So when random people ask me what it represents, I just tell them it's personal. That's the best you can do. It's your body and those events in your life are yours and yours alone.

  8. well u have a variety of options:

    1. tell them u dont want to talk about it

    2. ignore them

    3. ask about THEIR body and see if they get the picture

    4. tell them about it anyway

    5. tell them to learn chinese

    6. its nature for non-chinese people to be curious about chinese letters/things. it looks cool and its not the boring english im typing in. its on display and people will undoubtedly ask about it.  so as the 6th option: just live with it

  9. Hi,

    I don't think it's rude to not explain your tattoos. It's your body and you did them for your reasons. I like your answer that they're personal, but maybe you could add a little white lie and say they mean courage and success (whatever they mean). You'd think most people would get the hint by saying it's personal..your mother in law needs a lesson on manners. Not you.

  10. you answered your own question there hunny

    "( By the way, they don't mean anything vulgar... I've just been through some really rough times in life and they're a reflection of that.)"

    tell thenm just that.

  11. In my opinion your right. Its your body your tattoos and yes even your past experiences. Now considering if you have had them for a while and its in a place where people can see them its only natural for people to be curious what they mean/say. You cant blame them for that but keep doing what you are doing by saying "it's personal i'd rather not say but its not anything vulgar or offending." And if people cant understand that then oh well for them don't let them make you feel bad you didn't do anything wrong. Well take care.

  12. If someone brings it up, just say "It's personal." and immediately change the subject. Don't let them have a chance to keep pushing you for details!

  13. well thats what you get for getting chinese symbols on you when you arent chinese

  14. i have a gaelic proverb across my back that i get asked about often - once at a bar a guy actually thought he had the right to lift my shirt to try and read it! i tell people the truth - that i don't tell people. it's not their business. they have no right to ask you, nor should they feel that they have that right. it's your body. saying "it's personal" or "i don't tell people." usually doesn't suffice, but if you're insistent (and polite), they usually stop questioning. - if they don't, just walk away.

  15. jsut tell them that they represent a tough time in your life and are a representation of your strenghts. you dont have to tell them what they actually mean.

    answer mine?;...

  16. funny thing about chinese symbals...unless your chinese, you really dont know what it means, even if a professional artist, or magazine says it means this or that. my husband is a tattoo artist, and tells the customer this,"when someone asks what it means, come up with a different answer to each person that asks, therefore offending no one"

    sorry to hear youre having probs, but hopefully this will help you.

    good luck

  17. tell ppl that they're a reflection of the rough times you've had in your life & leave it at that :)

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