
People keep on knocking on my house!!!?

by  |  earlier

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its not mail, packages, police, ect. Its people with a clipboard. Last time they came they were talking to my neighbors and they didn't seemed so friendly. Once, they came twice in one day. Who are they? He just came again about 5 minutes ago. He knocked on my neighbors doors too but they didn't answer either. While i was watching him through the blinds i saw him answer his cell and nod like if he was dissatisfied.




  1. Answer the door.  If they aren't looking for you, politely tell them to verify the address before distrubing you.  If they are selling something or want you to sign a petition tell them you are not intressted. Politely shut your door. If they are persistent, call the police!

  2. Put a sign on your door telling not to do that. My aunt did that and it worked. :)

  3. It could be people who are paid to go door to door and ask for signatures on a petition of some kind. They usually get paid for each signature. Place a NO SOLICITING OF ANY KIND sign on your door. Also if you owe any medical places money sometimes they will send out a plain clothes process server to give you a subpoena to go to court. I just would not answer my door at all, for any one I did not know.

  4. Answer the door with a shotgun and yell, "WHAT!!!!!"

    You won't see him again.

  5. Well when they're on your property thats trespassing and i think if someones tresspassing you have the right to punch them or threaten them. I dont really know but thats what my cousin said.

  6. Call the cops~!    If they have the cops checking them out everytime they come around - they'll stop.  It would be even better if the police get a lot of your neighbors calling too.  People can't be afraid to answer their own doors

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