
People magazine?

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how mcuh does the people magazine cost and isnt the july issue of it about miley cyrus?




  1. The Special Edition of People Magazine with Miley Cyrus costs $3.99.

  2. It can range between $2.19 - $3.00 per issue if you are buying individual copies depending on the thickness of the magazine. (This doesn't include the special editions though). If you were going to subscribe, the rate would be about $57.00 for 26 issues. Really though if you divided $57 by the number of issues, you basically get the news stand price. The advantage to subscribing is that you will pay a fixed rate, so even if the price per issue goes up, you won't have to pay the extra cost. There is a special July 2008 issue about Miley Cyrus that went on news stands July 4, 2008 that is only about her and her life; no other celebrities involved. It is a special edition and it should be on news stands for the entire month of July. They will still publish the regular version every week, but the Miley one will be there for awhile. I hope this helps you! =)
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