
People make fun because I am into genealogy?

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I only started this 4 months ago but all my family and all my friends say the same thing. "Why" I explain its interesting but you see them looking at me as if im stupid.

when I am researching and my boyfriends on the phone to his family and they ask what im up to and he tells them, they question as well which makes me feel really pathetic.

does anyone else have this problem? and why cant anyone understand they like fishing, football, etc I like this




  1. I wouldn't be to upset. Its an interesting subject. I wish i new more about my family history.

  2. Below is a list of reasons why genealogy is an important tool of self discovery.  Pull out one of these reasons when your family and friends make fun of your hobby:

    1) Discovering your ancestry gives you a personal connection with history and helps to establish a firm identity and pride in your background. For example, World War II becomes much more real if you discover just what Granddad did in the War. Besides, you can use the study of your family's history to take mini-trips (or perhaps really long ones) to see where both near and distant ancestors lived.  

    2)  A knowledge of just who you are and where your family comes from helps you connect with multiple generations and age groups. For example, I'm 56, but I just had a telephone call two nights ago from a distant, 86-year-old cousin I had corresponded with over the Internet.  We talked about an hour on family history.  This spring, I noticed a contest for school-age kids whose ancestors fought at the Battle of Culloden in Scotland.  Entrants would need to write an essay and prove evidence of this ancestry.  I e-mailed my 15-year-old nephew, who entered the contest.  He didn't win a trip to Scotland, but he did enjoy learning about his ancestry.

    3) Studying and writing about family history is a creative outlet for anyone who enjoys research and writing.  What's more, the end result is a priceless gift left for future generations.

    4)  A personalized knowledge of the past helps most people come to terms with their own life changes: finishing school, starting a career, marriage, child birth, raising a family, growing older, and finally death.  

    5)  Knowing about your own family history perhaps makes you a little less judgmental about other people.  Those skeltons in every family's closets take every one down a notch or two, although if you find any famous relatives, you can certainly take pride in that connection as well.

  3. its your thing to do its a hobby

  4. Unique interests like this sometimes get you PAID if you excel in them. Do what you do....don't listen to other people...its your life...enjoy what you want. If you want to sort and re sort cheerios all day then that's up to you.

  5. People are just like that. Never mind them; they're just bummed it's beyond them to be into more 'intricate' stuff.

  6. You might have family behaving that way but as you learn things they will suddenly become interested in the things you have found out.

  7. You shouldn't listen to what the people say around you if you like doing something you should do it. a lot of people have done amazing things by not listening to their peers/family and following what they believe is right or like.

  8. My mother used to think it was stupid.........that I was "living in the past".  But, everytime I find something interesting, I would share it with my family.  So, now she doesn't find it quite so rediculous anymore and has become a little interested also.

  9. If you love it, stick with it -- but don't get upset. If you're young, your family doesn't take your interest seriously. They think you'll ask a few questions and wander off to some other interest in a few weeks.

    I started asking questions when I was 13 and I was out of college before some relatives believed I really wanted to know about their parents and grandparents-- people I never met.  Keep asking (without being too annoying) and they'll eventually accept your hobby and start telling you all the good family stories.  Hang in there.

  10. Exactly, they like stuff which is shite to you, so don't worry about what they think. Much better than spending your life in front of the tv int it.

  11. ..why do take them seriously,

    continue what you are on.

  12. i havent read the other answers yet, i just had to respond, I AM A FAMILY HISTORY BORE and i dont care who knows it. I sent off for a load of certificates on Sunday, Im hoping I timed it right and they should arrive on Saturday morning, I cant tell you how much I am looking forward to opening them all up and looking at the information. Im planning it in my head, the house will already be neat and tidy, the washing done etc. I will get myself a nice cuppa tea and sit with the lap top on ready to input the information onto my family tree documents and then ready to scour all the censuses and BMD lists with the information that I will have to move further back. AND guess what,,,, its not even my tree, Ive got stuck with mine, its my boyfriends tree, I sent off for 14 certificates for him, he's not even that interested!!!

  13. Here here! I have that kind of thing said to me constantly, and it really bugs me. I dont' take the p**s out of their love of knitting or cross-stitching or stamp collecting, why are they judging me for wanting to know where my family came from? I've learned to accept it though, and sadly, I find myself refusing to talk about it, which is a shame. We shoudl be encouraging people to research their history!

  14. take no notice and do what you enjoy -  its YOUR life and YOUR choice not theirs!  You are unique, different and don't follow the sheep. Go fot it!

  15. You know, they are probably so clueless that they think the field of genealogy is related more directly to the genes and biology and evolution and all that kind of stuff.  But let them think whatever they want.  Their loss, not yours.

    I'd like to suggest getting your boyfriend to draw up a heraldic shield coat of arms, using his own heritage and yours.

  16. The different thing about genealogy is that it requires a person who is inquisitive, intelligent, enjoys learning, knows how to solve a puzzle, and does not give up when there is a brick wall.  

    Some people would be just as happy if you sat there with them, watching soap operas or gossiping about Britney Spears.

    Their loss.  Ten yrs down the road, they will probably get curious, and start pestering you to find their ancestors.  

  17. people like you are one of a kind. you got a mind of your own and you take a different view on things and thats okay. my father always tells me, great minds are always different. i never used to get this but now i realise that things like gravity and fire, would never had been discovered if people like you didnt think creativley or outside the box, rather than conforming and becoming a robot.

    who knows? maybe you could get really good at......whatever genealogy is......and be succseful. then ylou can shove it back in there face and be like " HA SUCK ON THAT YOU ***&^%%$43#@'

  18. Your hobby is your buisness tell them you want to do this for a living and that this is just in home training it is neat to learn about the past you are just studying people not stats and wars ect.

  19. Never mind what those clods think.

  20. Being into genealogy isn't anything stupid, its just the same as your boyfriend being into football, or cricket or another "stupid" sport with men running around kicking or hitting a ball.

    So, when people ask you can say, "I like to look into my family history and know where my family came from.... why do you watch grown men kicking a call around?"

    Be proud of what you do and who you are, there are lot worse things that you could be doing!

  21. dont let them get to you, there probably just joking, but not realising its kinda getting to ya.

    Just say to them, when they ask why, Just say, well Why Not?

  22. Tell them that you'll slap them so hard their childrens third cousin twice removed will feel it

  23. whats so wrong with it?

    tell people to get over it!

  24. Don't let other people sway your interests and decisions.

    I'm a total psychology and politics geek. As long as your interests and hobbies aren't out of control obsessive, then there's not really a problem.

    Plus, genealogy really is interesting. When someone asks you why next time, tell them what's interesting about it. If you really get into it, maybe they'll see your passion and understand.  

  25. Relax and do your own thing...genealogy is an up & coming hobby! I get kinda' ridiculed because I'm into Heraldic family Coat of Arms. Once I successfully trace my history, I can find out if in fact my family had one, if not, I'll petition for one in Madrid Spain. Keep your chin up, good luck in your search!

  26. well i wouldn't care what they think and i know its hard to do something and everyone else thinks its weird or something but you have to fallow what you want to do

  27. Don't worry about it, I've become hooked on genes re united and I think it's great finding my family tree because I never really met my grandfathers and it's given me a chance to find out more about them which I think is great. Don't feel pathetic just because these people don't understand, it's interesting finding your history and roots.

    Happy hunting.

  28. I know how you feel ive loved genealogy since I was 12! through my teens im sure others thought i was very perculiar but  I never bothered to explain it to anyone.

    remember before the emergence of world religions,the major form of spiritual activity in virtually every corner of the globe was comprised of various forms of ancestor veneration or ancestor worship!

  29. ppl make fun cuz im retarded and only hav 3 fingers

    but i dont complain

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