
People make fun of me cause I ride the short bus...?

by  |  earlier

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People are always saying "There goes the retarded kids!", "Kids who ride the short bus are either mentally challenged, or just mentally retarded." I'm not retarded, I just have ADHD, Asperger, and Autism, and I do go to an alternitive school. That doesn't mean I'm retarded. There is nothing I can do about my ADHD, Asperger, and Autism. Why do people always think the short bus is for retarded kids? On a related question, why don't most school busses have air conditioners?




  1. who cares what those neurotypicals think         be proud of who you are

  2. ohhh, dont worry!!!:)

              i dont think people who ride short buses are weird at all.     its not like people can just ride on a long bus. think of it this way,if its a short bus,theres probobly less people,so u get home faster. thats what i always look forward to. im not sure why buses have air conditioner, mabey because the school is paying for it and they want to save money.

    but just go with a good attitude and be yaself. remember everyone has somenthin cool about them!!!!!:)


  3. Because sometimes so called normal people are limited in the way they think.  Try not to let it bother you.  Many people with conditions similar to yours are actually more talented and more intelligent than the so called normal people.  I saw a bumper sticker I liked once, it said: Normal people scare me. LOL

  4. This is the way of life. You know that there is nothing wrong with who you are. Kids say that stuff to make themselves feel better about who they are.  And school buses have no air conditioners becuase if they did it would cost way too much for most schools to handle. Schools are cheapskates.

  5. I hate it for you. Kids are just downright mean. It's so hard to live with , I know.

    If it wasnt' this, they would just pick on you for some other reason.

    My grandson has to ride one to go to a blind school 52 miles from his home everyday.  Thank God he is the ONLY kid on the bus and no one else lives close by to know he rides it.

    I don't know why busses don't have air. Probably because it costs too much.

    When I was in school we didn't have air conditioners in the school.

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