
People mentioning Obama's full name...?

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When someone on Answers says "Barack Hussein Obama is an un-American name, and I won't vote for someone with it," does it make anyone else as sad as it makes me? It's not even about political stances at that point--that's just blatantly shallow and judgmental. :[ Is that really something people think about when they do something as important as exercise their right to vote?




  1. I have mixed feelings on this topic. True, a person cannot change their name. It is something they are given before they are old enough to choose a name for themselves.

    But, with the recent activities by terrorists to our country (and yes, 7 years ago is still considered recent), people are concerned, and rightly so, about electing a man who may or may not have ties to the terrorists.

    If he had run for president in 2000, or even fully distanced himself from the Islamic religion, he may not be going through this issue with his name. But the fact that he has ties with radical Muslims, not through his father and stepfather, but through his known associates now, and by his choice, causes many of Americans concern. One way to express that concern is to link it to his name. Barack Hussien Obama.

  2. Why would he want to distance himself from his own name. It is an Arab/Muslim name. Why run from it, if you are being honest. Why throw the white grandmother, who raised him, under the bus. It is who he is, and people have a right and duty to know all aspects of a man who wants to be their president.

    Just because YOU don't think it is "Politically Correct" doesn't mean we don't need to know about it. Sure a lot of people will not vote for him because of this, but it is our right to choose OUR values.

    If we are wary of someone of Arab/Muslim background that is our right and we do have JUST CAUSE to be.

    Now blather on in your liberal vent and get us all blown to heII.

  3. well people are dumb, did you know that in yellowstone national park that more people have died from swimming in acid pools than have been killed by bears, wow that's amazing

  4. I agree with you, G - judging by a name is ridiculous. I think that only the ignorant would even think that way. Perhaps Captain Archer is just showing us how ignorance works in our country, either by example or accident. Some can't differentiate between reality, which is Barack Obama - political candidate, and some of the hysterical media, which attempts to tie the Democratic party to the demise of the Tooth Fairy.

    In essence, I think that the media is responsible, in some ways, for the confusion of reality. It used to be what they reported had to have some semblence of truth - not anymore. A grain of sand is taken and made into a mountain - often a mountain of misinformation. Many Americans can't differentiate between that and reality. Hence, the Barack name issue.

  5. It is completely and utterly irrational to think someone might be a terrorist just because of his name. HIS NAME, for goodness sakes. As if that is a substantial piece of evidence against him, that can be used against him in court if he were tried for treason. Sheesh. You'd think, with FISA and all, that if he did have ties to terrorists, our privacy-invading administration would have already found out and recorded something ever so slightly more reliable than a name.

    As a Muslim and an Asian, this kind of stupidity, ignorance, and irrationality on the part of people whose first impression of us is a fear akin to that given to a dangerous alien saddens  me deeply.

  6. that's f-en idiotic? whoever agrees with it is an idiot. WOW! a name. just because his middle name is hussein does not mean anything. his plan of change is all for the best. he is black so his name has nothing to do with saddam. your vote doen't freaken matter because he's going to win anyways! so cheer up. so for everyone's whose last name is bush, should they be considered an idiot? no, so name has nothing to do with it. go barrack!!!

  7. Not me - no one with the name Barry that uses Barack instead and has the middle name Hussein should be in the White House.  

    Here are some great blatantly shallow and judgmental items to ponder:  Code Pink, liberal demorats, protesting at VA hospitals, harassing the vets who are trying to heal.  Liberals wanting to name a sewage plant after George W. Bush.  

    Liberals protesting and interfering with military burials.

  8. I do think people think about stuff like that when voting and it's completely stupid.

    There's a great (IMHO) quote by Charles Bukowski that I read just last night:

    "At the age of 25 most people were finished. A whole nation of as*holes driving automobiles, eating, having babies, doing everything in the worst way possible, like voting for the presidential candidate who reminded them most of themselves."

  9. You mean like his pastor and spiritual advisor Rev Wright did?  Not only did he use Obama's middle name but he EMPHASIZED it.

  10. I agree with you!  Technically, there is no such thing as an "American" name.  All of our names came from other countries.

    They just relate Hussein with Saddam Hussein, and Obama with Osama.  Isn't that pathetic?  It shows how incredibly narrow-minded Americans can be.

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