
People of Delaware...Did you know that when it is raining, you are SUPPOSED TO DRIVE WITH YOUR HEADLIGHTS ON??

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Sorry. It bothers me! They passed a law that says when you run your wipers, your lights are supposed to be on.! They used to have a few billboards up, but I haven't seen any recently. i think they need to get that out there!




  1. Yes that is the case in most states.

  2. I guess every state has their issues with bad driving etiquette... Here people don't know they should use turn signals.

  3. Most states have that law now. The rule of thumb is, I don't know if its in the actual law, Is that if you have your windshield wipers on that your headlights are to be on as well. So a mist or light light sprinkle doesn't constitute having headlights on?

  4. Here in Ontario Canada , you have to have your running lights on all the time...

  5. that has been a law here in Tennessee for years now,if you have the wipers on you must have the headlights on also,other wise they will give you a ticket,good luck.

  6. are you the designated headlight cop or what

  7. That's really stupid - driving in daylight with headlights on. As if we are not wasting enough energy already. I hate it when government forces us to do things dumb things like that just because 1 or 2 morons demand it or are not careful when they drive. Why not also drive with our horns on all the time, just to make sure people know we are coming.

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