
People of the Muslim Faith in Scotland - are you offended by the police information leaflet featuring a puppy?

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in a policeman's helmet saying We're here to help?

I just wondered....




  1. LOL what a daft question

  2. They consider dogs to be unclean so won't have them as pets.  If they handle or touch a dog they have to wash thoroughly.  So how does looking at a picture do them any harm?

    Britain is a nation of big softies, we love puppies, kittens etc, we are animal lovers.  Is the day going to come when keeping a dog will be banned?  Are dogs going to be forcibly sterilised and not allowed to breed until they are wiped out of Britain altogether, just in case they 'cause offence' to someone?

    This PC cr@p is completely out of control.  Time Britain got a grip on reality.

  3. A Muslim wrote in to the Metro, saying that they do not keep dogs, more for cultural than religious reasons.

    He also pointed out that many of the Shopkeepers, who supposedly refused to display this poster, probably stock dog food.

  4. Im not muslim but why on earth would that be offencinve?

  5. It's getting ridiculous now.To much anti this and anti that. Bloody stupid.

  6. Tolerance is one way in this country, or so it seems.

  7. software News-

  8. My best friend is a muslim...guess what she studies....ANIMAL CARE! She loves dogs and cats and any animal. She said her faith is NOT offended by dogs. They are by pigs but not dogs. She thinks that ban is absolutly stupid!

  9. We are a nation of dog lovers.  We are welcoming people from all over the world, they have chosen this as the country that they wish to live but there seems to be no tolerance towards us.  At the end of the day they should be asking themselves Why they have chosen to live here, If the reason was for asylum then things have to be better here, if it was for economic reasons then again it must be better here.  They are free to practice their religions and cultures if the do gooders don't stop sticking their noses in it will be the same as the countries that they left, except of course they would of got rid of all of us.

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