
People on the phone call me ma'am when I'm a guy. How do you respectfully respond to that?

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People on the phone call me ma'am when I'm a guy. How do you respectfully respond to that?




  1. It happens to me sometimes. I hate it too.

    And I don't have a high voice.

    What I do is to lower the voice even more, so inmediately they get the hint  I'm male.

    Lower your voice, and make it sound deeper. It allways work and they get the hint in no time!

    Or tell them: "sorry, I'm not a ma'am. I'm a man. I'm Mr.______.

    The best way not to be confused with a woman is to talk in a lower voice, in a low volume. Not high.

  2. Just say "I am no ma'am.  I am a man." in a very low voice.

  3. Say, "I believe I am the only person talking to you... I am a man..."    haha, k?

    or just dont respond and when they say something, say, "I thought you were talking to someone else. Right? because I am not a woman."  

  4. Haha,

    If it is a woman who said that, say "Thank you sir"

    and opposite if it was a guy.

  5. You can say "Sorry, but this is MR [insert name here]."

  6. Happens to me a lot because I have a high voice for a man.  I just quickly say that I'm a man and then move on.  It's not big deal.  The telephone does distort voices somewhat so this is a rather common mistake.  One way to stop people from making this error is to say you name when you first answer the phone.

  7. Some women are also taken for men on the phone.  You might

    respectfully tell them your name and then accept their apologies.

  8. Im a female to male transguy and it happens to me sometimes. I just laugh and say ''last time i checked i wasnt a woman'' and they get embarrassed and apologise. Nothing better than a mental picture :)

  9. I always just answer the phone saying "this is Julie" in a clear loud voice not mumble your name  

    or if you are calling them say this is Mr. ______ or if you have an obvious guy first name just say this is Alexander but you can't really say Alex because that could be either.

  10. Be sure to say your name, v e r y, clearly. My difficulty is the opposite.  I respond with a touch of humour so they won't be too embarrassed - something like, "Darn - when I woke up this morning, I was a woman" or, "Amazing, isn't it ? - a s*x change via telephone!".   The one I like best is when someone asks you to repeat your name with the words,

    "What did you say your name was?" - my reply to this is, "You are speaking with someone who is still alive" and it, usually, takes a few seconds before they realize what they've said.  Most people say, "Oh - I'll remember that!".

  11. Go with it ;)

  12. Maybe because you help them out or maybe you just sound like something there mom would say you know.

  13. How 'bout simply telling them "excuse me but I'm a guy"?  They might get embarrassed by it but they'll get over it soon enough.

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