
People only patriotic after 9/11?

by Guest60368  |  earlier

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I want to ask this without it sounding too much like a rant. I remember years ago people would voice that they hated this country and that there were a lot of problems that needed to be fixed. Only after what happened on 9/11 did people spontaneously started becoming very patriotic. I mean isn't there something wrong with this? At first it sounds like a good thing because people that were burning flags back then are now saluting them, but what does it say about people? It sounds more like people are just jumping on the bandwagon instead of being sincere.

I will probably get flamed for asking this but i don't care and people will probably accuse me of being unpatriotic even though i have relatives in the armed forces and ive lost a couple of friends in this stupid war. (I think i ranted a little....yeah i think i did)




  1. You have a good point. Rant or not, you are right, people who otherwise would like to slam their own country came out of the woodwork waving flags. What amazes me the most is people didn't learn a simple lesson from it--be nice to your fellow man, you never know when your last day is. But no, just hasn't happened.

  2. Completely untrue.  I have experienced very patriotic people (such as all the solidiers I know and dearly love and admire) that care for their country and are not afraid to display their patriotic affection.  I think after 9/11 it was just an event that brought people closer together and to share in the fact that their country is important and that they are patriotic.  And in a way it was positive.  Because people that didn't "seem" patriotic were showing signs of their hidden patriotism.  And if anything I would classify that as a good and positive act.  I myself would not be classified as "patriotic" because I am a mutt and am equally proud of every country my blood line hails from but I hope to see this country progress and not degress in the future.

  3. People were burning flags??? Here? No.

    It's extremely easy to get people to jump on a bandwagon. All you have to do is appeal to a majority of the people's emotions, and the logic of the few intellectuals. This makes the people more open to propaganda (where they hide the part that they actually played in causing an issue), and more likely to ignore the faults of the country/political leaders (if the truth that the govt did play a role in causing the incident to occur). After that, they'll willingly follow you - which gives the appearance of a democracy. That is the basis of politics in America.

    As for me... I've never have been, and never will be patriotic.

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