
People organise dog euthanasia, but don't feel any guilt while eating cow(beef), fish, pork, chicken etc. Why?

by Guest45164  |  earlier

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People organise dog euthanasia, but don't feel any guilt while eating cow(beef), fish, pork, chicken etc. Why?




  1. 長進 never kills a dog for a living before,  at least.

    長進 also never anyhow farted other female dog for one's crime scene investigation before.

    長進 never never never more more more betray his own countrymen to earn a rich livelihood 2..... so far so good. NEVER NEVER NEVER! and u? I still know what did u do last time and I always know what did u do all the times. haha....

  2. Because they're artificially assigning life value to creatures based on human emotions.

  3. Your question is not clear. Are you saying that while people have mercy killing attitude towards dog the very same people donot have any feelings towards other animals? If you include , in that list , also other human beings ( who are also , in a way, animals) you may get some answer yourself.

    That is the way human culture has evolved over these 5000 years. What started as an absolute need has become a delicasy.This is also  aform of evolution and natural balance.

    Like everything else , in life, it is your own freewill to choose to be a meat eater or a non meat eater. Leave it at that.

  4. i would like to respect people who prefer not to eat meat at all but then the  world is a world of opposites, you just cannot expect everyone to think the way you do, or to be what you want them to be, one because if GOd did exist he would not even want to make such a boring world with no variety or choices whatsoever.

  5. But most people don't eat the dog when it's dead.

    There's no comparison possible between the issues.

  6. SM Lee and PM Lee,  if your own doggies kick your 2 buckets and anything goes wrong hor, dun blame me hor...cos your doggies are good for nothing except messing all the good things done. ok? so dun blame me ok? also not much scapegoat for u all doggies to kill liao except me haha...

    by the way, doggies, pls lah, ESPECIALLY U NO NOTHING AT ALL, dun try to outsmart yourself to please your master lah cos u are just a dog but good for nothing but just a dog only. if u can REALLY work out, i wont be calling u as a dog OREDI....also even i am a dog, i am still excellent than u. hahhaha FREAK! our daddy said so.

  7. Dogs are cold blooded mammals. that's why they never sweat only licky licky licky their wetty tongue to show that they are hot hot hot.

    also, they dun see and they dun think they dun ear up so they can only be smelled to complete one's task.

    狼心狗肺【lángxÄ«ngǒufèi】 rapacious as a wolf and savage as a cur; cruel  and unscrupulous; brutal and cold-blooded; ungrateful. Chinese always said to dog pple, your heart and lungs are eaten by the dog, is it?

  8. In Singapore, everyone and Singapore Government love DOGs very much even traitor, murderer and freakass are considered their close very good friend. They dun like men and women and they like DOG pple only. that's why everyone in Singapore Dun EAT DOG! imao. haha

    If Dog really that good, why the f**t do we need a DOG Trainer for what? haah

    Singapore SPECIAL Culture too! as long as u are BAD, we Singaporean all love u bery the much but if u are GOOD, u are as good as DEAD in a DOGland called Singapore.

    I am not a DOG, that's why everyone in Singapore Hated me as much as a DOGGIES' hate cos DOG give deadly bites. haha

    I speak the truth of my reality life. hahahah

    China eats Dog so that her people wont be a DOGgies like Singapore! imao! hahahah

    Indian dun eats Cow because they fear their punishment of all their Sins. imao hahha

    I all eat as long as it is a FOOD!

  9. Euthanasia, by definition, is the mercy killing of a suffering creature so as to relieve said creature of its suffering.

    This one is not aware of people "organizing", as in a group activity, the same specifically for dogs.  Please , list your references to these supposed actions.

    In many cultures, people are taught and raised to use various animals as a food source, such as Tibet, the home of His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, where due to the harshness of the land and the often difficulties associated with raising vegetarian foods, yak meat is often eaten.

    Perhaps it is wisest for each to allow all others, as extensions of themselves to make their own choices and to seek their own answers from within themselves.

    Be well.

  10. because in the west we don't eat certain animals that we class as pets. in other countries this question wouldn't get asked, cos dogs, cats ecetera are eaten.

    it also helps that cows, pigs, chickens and cute fluffy lambs come prepackaged in those neat polystyrene trays with a price on.

  11. It's all about what you've been conditioned to find acceptable

  12. yea youde think that they would ship these dogs over to places that eat dogs.instead of uthinizing least they would have a half of chance of survival.they could always run from the plate .ill take another peice of that deer heart please

  13. It's all about your culture. In China, for example, people eat dogs. If you had been born in India, eating a cow would be inconceivable.

  14. There is no emotional connection with the other animals for most.

    This is not often the case as a dog is a common pet.

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